“Describe the transformation in Federal powers that occurred during the U.S. Civil War (1861-65), and later with the 1929 Great Depression and FDR’s New Deal program: what type of expansion happened and what justifications were used for the expansion of these new programs?”

“Describe the transformation in Federal powers that occurred during the U.S. Civil War (1861-65), and later with the 1929 Great Depression and FDR’s New Deal program: what type of expansion happened and what justifications were used for the expansion of these new programs?”

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Respond to at least two of your classmates no later than Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT.

View further Discussion Guidelines here.

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Critically discuss Bradstreet’s “To My Dear and Loving Husband” with Taylor’s “Huswifery” to demonstrate the contrasts and similarities between the two poets. Include direct quotes from Bradstreet’s “To My Dear and Loving Husband” and Taylor’s “Huswifery” for analysis and support.

Critically discuss Bradstreet’s “To My Dear and Loving Husband” with Taylor’s “Huswifery” to demonstrate the contrasts and similarities between the two poets. Include direct quotes from Bradstreet’s “To My Dear and Loving Husband” and Taylor’s “Huswifery” for analysis and support.

Do we uphold the ideals these founders held forth as national priorities for growing a healthy democratic society?

Use this period of eloquence and reason of radical thinkers and the founding fathers of our nation. The readings give insight into the philosophical conversations and rhetorical reasoning that led to the drafting of the Declaration of Independence, and our nation’s Constitution. The origins in early political parties such as the Federalists and Democratic-Republicans.

As you read the assigned authors’ works, reflect on how their words and ideas have shaped contemporary America, our culture, politics, and ethics. Do we uphold the ideals these founders held forth as national priorities for growing a healthy democratic society?

What is the poem about? What is the speaker’s message or argument? How does the speaker feel about the subject matter, and how do we know?

“What is Africa to me?” (10), the poem becomes a meditation on the divided self of the young African-American poet. In “Heritage,” Cullen reflects on the

What is the poem about? What is the speaker’s message or argument? How does the speaker feel about the subject matter, and how do we know? (Diction creates tone.) What was it about this poem that originally appealed to you? How did your view of the poem change after this deeper analysis?

Discuss the literary work as a product of particular historical, political, social, or intellectual concerns of the era in which it was produced.

Essay 1 Length: 3 pages minimum Format: Use MLA guidelines
DUE: 7/1
Discuss the literary work as a product of particular historical, political, social, or intellectual concerns of the era in which it was produced. You may also discuss how the work may have challenged those concerns.

How did the piece of literature remind you of something going on in society or in the news today?

Each student will write a paper consisting of four paragraphs that connects one different piece of literature in varying units to a choice of LIT-O elements. L = life events or news: how did the piece of literature remind you of something going on in society or in the news today?

Discuss to what degree you think that the statement above is realistic or feasible? Based on the reading, in paragraph two, share your thoughts on what you think Emerson disliked about the time in which he lived?

American Scholar reading reflection

Discuss to what degree you think that the statement above is realistic or
feasible? Based on the reading, in paragraph two, share your thoughts on what you think Emerson disliked about the time in which he lived? In the same paragraph, share what about his time period do you think he found hopeful? In paragraph three, explain any similarities between his “modern age” and the world today?

Discuss which parts of Winthrop’s advice do you think would be the most effective in building a strong community? Why? Be specific.

A City upon A Hill reading reflection

Discuss how each speaker (Winthrop, Kennedy, and Reagan) interpreted the phrase “city upon a hill” and if Kennedy and Reagan interpretations are similar to or different from Winthrop’s interpretation?

Discuss which parts of Winthrop’s advice do you think would be the most effective in building a strong community? Why? Be specific.

In paragraph three, share your thoughts on if you feel America still consider itself a model for the rest of the world? Why or why not?