Discuss the economic interpretation of the parameters (elasticities, marginal propensities long and short run effects, etc.);

Use this section to:

1. Discuss the economic interpretation of the parameters (elasticities, marginal propensities long and short run effects, etc.);

2. Set out any a priori expectations about the signs and magnitudes of the parameters;

3. Set out any hypotheses to be tested (constant returns to scale, homogeneity, unit elasticities, parameters that should lie between zero and unity, etc.).
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4. Note any identities linking the data.

5. Discuss any identification proble

Compose an explanation with at least two pieces of evidence (think Coase Theorem) from the article that might justify why this instance is the first time in 34 years people ended up in court over this law.

website: https://www.nytimes.com/2008/04/07/science/earth/07redwood.html

In this week’s module, you are learning about the Coase Theorem and the potential for private negotiation as a solution to pollution-related market failures.

For this discussion board activity,  read the New York Times article Trees block solar panels (Links to an external site.).

After reading the article, compose a discussion board post where you address three (3) questions where you will apply the concepts learned this week.

This post is due on Wednesday. The second part of the assignment will open on Thursday morning when you are automatically assigned to respond directly to the post of one (1) of your classmates and assess their response.

The peer review portion of this discussion activity is due on Sunday.

Step 1. Read the New York Times article (Links to an external site.) (10 minutes)

Step 2. Address the following questions in a discussion post:

What is the property right created by 1978 Solar Shade act? (1 point )

Who has the property right? (1 point)

Who/what would you consider the “polluter” and what is the “pollutant”? (2 points)

Compose an explanation with at least two pieces of evidence (think Coase Theorem) from the article that might justify why this instance is the first time in 34 years people ended up in court over this law. (4 points )

Step 3. Peer review. You will be automatically assigned to one (1) of your classmates to peer review their discussion post. In each response,ask that you provide the following:

An assessment of their evidenced-based argument in final part of their post by highlighting the important points they made and including an additional piece of information that they did not consider in their answer. (2 points )

What economic methods and techniques have been used to study this or a similar issue? How has the issue been addressed econometrically? Were these methods and techniques the most appropriate for this study? Why or why not?

Econometrics Analysis: The role of foreign aid in economic growth of developing economies.

A. What issue are you addressing? Why is your research question relevant?

B. Identify the target audience(s) for your paper. Is each audience technical or nontechnical? For example, are they general readers, managers, or political decision makers? Why would your research be relevant for this audience? II. Literature Review

A. What economic methods and techniques have been used to study this or a similar issue? How has the issue been addressed econometrically? Were these methods and techniques the most appropriate for this study? Why or why not?

B. What are the hypotheses you plan to test? How do they translate into empirical models? III. Data

A. What data will you use in your empirical work? What is the source of your data? Why is this particular data set appropriate for the study?

B. What type of data (summary statistics, scatter plots, etc.) was utilized in your study? What relationships can be gleaned by simple data screening? What are the implications of these relationships?

C. What limitations could your data impose on the choice of empirical method? What are the effects of these limitations? IV. Empirical Approach

A. What empirical method(s) do you propose and why? Explain why it is appropriate to use the method(s).

B. What are the limitations of your proposed empirical method? What possible alternative methods can be used? Be sure to address causes for these limitations, such as problems with the data or with interactions between variables.

C. What is your model specification? What functional form of data do you use and why? V. Results and Robustness Check

A. What are your preliminary results from initial runs in the statistical software? What is their relationship with the original hypotheses and  research questions?

B. Which violations of ordinary least squares (OLS) assumptions do you anticipate? Which diagnostic tests will you employ to check for the

presence of violations of OLS assumptions? 3 pages3 pages INCLUDE DATA AND CHART CREATED AS ASEPERATE FILE.

C. What are your secondary results from your test run through the statistical software? Interpret these test results and determine the presence or absence of problems.

D. Are your results affected by the corrections? Are they affected in a significant way? (For example, is there a change of coefficient signs, a change in statistical significance, and so on?) E.

In your conclusion, it is important to report on the results based on the statistical significance. Are your results statistically significant? Are they

Economically significant? Are some variables more significant than others? How does this relate to the original hypotheses and research questions? Discuss. VI. Conclusion

A. What are the actionable insights or recommendations based on your results?

B. What are the overall results of your study? Address any limitations, caveats, and possibilities for further actions. Be sure to keep nontechnical audiences in min

Explain the effect of recent changes to trade and tariff policies have had on your employer, you, or someone you know.

International Trade Summary

Promoting international trade is not a zero-sum game. It is a win-win proposition; both parties gain from trade.

Consider the following:

Tariffs are paid by the citizens of the country imposing tariffs, not by the citizens of the country producing the products upon which the tariffs are levied.

The term “trade deficits” is a misnomer. Every country’s trade is always in balance.

Trade deficits do not mean the US no longer produces anything to export. The US is the world’s second largest manufacturer and the world’s second largest exporter of manufactured goods.

Trade deficits reflect a strong economy. Trade deficits rise during economic expansions and fall during economic contractions. Unemployment falls as trade deficits rise and rises as trade deficits fall.

Imports and exports are complements, not competitors. Both are necessary and both contribute to economic growth.

Roughly one-third of all US imports and exports is trade between US multinational companies and their overseas subsidiaries.

Foreign-owned companies operating in the US number in the thousands and provide directly or indirectly jobs for more than 13 million US workers (roughly, 10% of the US workforce).

US trade deficit in goods in 2018 (as a % of GDP) was the same as it was 5, 10 and 15 years earlier.

The rise in US goods trade deficit with China has not increased the US total goods trade deficit. It has been offset by reduced goods imports from other trading partners.

There is a strong correlation between the rise in world trade and:

The rise in world GDP

The dramatic fall in the world’s extreme poverty rate

The rise in world life expectancy

For every US manufacturing job lost to trade between 2000 and 2010, seven US jobs were lost to domestic productivity improvements. Those seven jobs cannot be brought back from overseas because they never left the US.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word evaluation of credible economists’ unbiased opinions on the benefits, costs, and results of current US trade and tariff policies. Complete the following in your evaluation:

Evaluate how US trade policy changes in the last 2 years affect global trade activities by multinational corporations.

Discuss credible economists’ opinions on the long-term effects of trade and tariff policies changes in the last 2 years.

Explain the effect of recent changes to trade and tariff policies have had on your employer, you, or someone you know.

Cite at least 2 academically credible sources.

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.

Write a short essay or journalistic article that could appear in the “op-ed” or business section of a local newspaper.For example, you could write a persuasive op-ed piece for the Chicago Tribune or The Times of Northwest Indiana on some aspect of economic policy or social/cultural interaction.

Financial regulation or reform in the United States


Write a short essay or journalistic article that could appear in the “op-ed” or business section of a local newspaper.For example, you could write a persuasive op-ed piece for the Chicago Tribune or The Times of Northwest Indiana on some aspect of economic policy or social/cultural interaction

For example, you could write a persuasive op-ed piece for the Chicago Tribune or The Times of Northwest Indiana on some aspect of economic policy or social/cultural interaction (i.e., the need for financial regulation or reform in the United States, technology’s impact on education or finance, the local objectives of healthcare or mental healthcare policy, some issue in professional development or ethics in your own field, etc.).

Similarly, you could rethink the piece as more of a journalistic feature for Crain’s Chicago Business that examines some specifically local economic or commercial issue (i.e., the role of a public university like IUN in the region, issues impacting Northwest Indiana’s economic development, a particular local company’s financial situation, etc.).

Compare similarities and differences between your assigned countries/economies and how their economic, political, and cultural development since 1992 has influenced their economic growth and trade competitiveness.

World Economies Comparison Presentation

Prepare 3 slide presentation:

Introduction slide; Inflation rate over time slide; and Inflation rate over time chart slide

for China vs India (world’s 2 most populous countries)

Compare similarities and differences between your assigned countries/economies and how their economic, political, and cultural development since 1992 has influenced their economic growth and trade competitiveness.

Use tables and/or graphs to support your analysis of the following economic statistics/indicators of your 2 assigned economies through the most recent year available since 2009 (the trough of the last economic cycle).

Whenever possible, plot the metric for both economies on the same chart.

Introduction slide

Inflation rate over time slide and chart slide

Examine externalities and unintended consequences of such intervention. For example, consider whether the SNAP program and health coverage for low-income families result in higher future tax revenues because low-income children grow up healthier and produce higher incomes over their lifetimes.

Government Intervention Analysis

Analyze 1 of the following government intervention programs:

Countercyclical fiscal policies (countering economic disruptions such as the housing bubble and the Great Recession)

Write a 700- to 1,050-word summary of your analysis.

Identify the intervention and the market failure leading up to the intervention. Complete the following in your paper:

Analyze the arguments for government intervention as opposed to arguments for market-based solutions.Hint:See the information about market failures.

Examine who has been helped and who has been hurt by the selected government intervention.

Examine externalities and unintended consequences of such intervention. For example, consider whether the SNAP program and health coverage for low-income families result in higher future tax revenues because low-income children grow up healthier and produce higher incomes over their lifetimes.

Analyze whether cost of the intervention you selected as a share of GDP or the number of participants is increasing,decreasing, or varies with the state of the economy, based on the cost trend(or number of participants) since its inception or since 2000.

Analyze credible economists’ opinions on the success or failure of the intervention that you chose in achieving its objectives.

Recommend whether the program should be continued as is, discontinued, or modified based on your conclusions. Defend your recommendation.

Note: Use of charts and graphs is encouraged with appropriate citations. Any charts or graphs retrieved from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis FRED website may only be included when the data sources used by FRED are US government sources such as the Bureau of Economic Analysis or the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Cite at least 2 academically credible sources.

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.


What will you do differently? What follows? Also, analogies and metaphors are a great way to illustrate how one views a concept or an idea.

Reflection paper

Opportunity Cost, Scarcity, Production Efficiency, Allocative Efficiency, Human Capital, Specialization, Comparative Advantage, Income, Tastes, Prices, Household Budget, Information, Transaction Costs, Utility, Consumer Satisfaction, Profits, Markets, Competition, Market Structure, Labor Costs, Innovation, Entrepreneurial ability, Productivity, Government Regulations, Business Incentives, Economies of Scale, Product Differentiation, Brand Name, Advertising, Market Power.

General Instructions:

Choose one concept from the list above, and write a paper a 500 to 550 word paper (500 words, is the absolute minimum)

You are free to organize and arrange your sentences and paragraphs in any you see fit, but your response MUST at least have the following 5 elements:

It must state and define the concept or idea.

It must explain how you viewed or understood the concept before completing the discussions.

It must explain your new way of viewing, or understanding the concept.

It must say the reason why your perspective, or understanding changed.

In other words, what did you do, see, or hear as a result of completing the discussions that helped transform your opinion.

It must have information, data or facts, that supports the reason for your change.

The information, data or facts can be presented in the form of an example, or as part of an explanation, but it must be explicitly connected to at least one of the graded discussions.

As you produce your response, you should also consider the following:

The implications of the change in perspective.

In other words, now that you see this in this way, what are some of the things that will come after?

What will you do differently? What follows? Also, analogies and metaphors are a great way to illustrate how one views a concept or an idea.