Describe an everyday decision-making situation in which you used cellphones or tablets (like the previous watermelon example). What was your hypothesis?

Geology – Scientific Method 07202022

Describe an everyday decision-making situation in which you used
cellphones or tablets (like the previous watermelon example). What was your hypothesis?

Explain how and why this prediction came to be. How did you test your hypothesis, or in other words, how did you collect and analyze the data?

Was your hypothesis supported? If not, how would you revise it for the next
situation? Did you communicate your results?

Which feature do humans, hares, caimans, and parrots share that the other three lineages did not inherit?

Use the webpage to answer the following questions:

How many pages would be in the “A History of the Earth” book if each page represented 10,000 years of Earth history? __________________________________

For the events listed below, fill in how many years ago the event happened, and what page it would be on in the “A History of the Earth” book.
Event Years ago Page # in book
Formation of the Earth and Moon
Earliest life appears

Early land plants

Largest mass extinction

Dinosaur extinction

Early hominid “Lucy”

What is the difference between relative date and absolute date? (Use the U.S. history timeline you create to help answer this question.)

What is the Law of Superposition (what does it tell us)?

Fill in the following information for the fossils shown in step 7 of the activity.
Fossil Fact about the organism Date the fossil:
First appeared:
Height of diversity:
Went extinct:
Went extinct:

Which of the fossils is the earliest (oldest)? ________________________________________

What is radiometric dating, and what does it tell us?

Based on the data from the radiometric dating of the volcanic ash layers, what is the age range for the layer of rock the ammonite fossils are found in? _____________________________________

The geologic time scales starts with the formation of the Earth. When did the Earth form? __________________________________

Fill in the following information for the eons and eras in the geologic time scale.

Time Period Fact Millions of years ago
Eons Phanerozoic



Eras Cenozoic



Use the information from the geologic timeline to identify what period each of the following events occurred in.

 Animals first appear in the fossil record: _____________________________________

Evidence of life on land: ____________________________________

First trees and forests appear: ________________________________

Pangaea forms: _______________________________________

Largest mass extinction occurs: _____________________________

Dinosaurs roam the earth:__________________________________

Dinosaurs go extinct:_______________________________________

Mammoths, saber-toothed cats, giant sloths, humans, and ice ages
(aka, when the movie “Ice Age” takes place): ___________________________

Of the 30 million species of living things estimated to exist today, how many of them are not animals?

Find the timeline. How many millions of years did dinosaurs exist on Earth before they became extinct? (this is the length of time from when they first appear until their extinction)

Name at least five things other than bones that can be preserved as fossils.

Explain what divergence is.

What types of evidence are used to determine evolutionary relationships?

In your own words, explain how Geospiza Fortis is a good example of natural selection.

Describe two other mechanisms for evolution in addition to natural selection.

Give an example of an animal that has gone extinct because of human influence and explain what happened.

Go to this website to begin:

Who did Max inherit dimples from?

What is a “common ancestor”?

In the quiz, which is the best definition for lineage? Circle one: A B C

Which feature do humans, hares, caimans, and parrots share that the other three lineages did not inherit?

When did the skull opening in front of the eye develop? Before the human/hare or between human/hare and the caiman/parrot?

What did Dinosaurs likely taste like?

Define the following terms in your own words?

1.  Define the following terms in your own words:
a. Metamorphic Rock: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
b. Foliated Metamorphic Rocks: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
c. Non-foliated Metamorphic Rocks: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
d. Regional Metamorphism: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
e. Contact Metamorphism: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
f. Metamorphic Grade: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Using the tables provided in the Supplemental

 What is the streak color of most of the nonmetallic minerals?Hematite, limonite and magnetite are all iron rusts. How can you use streak to distinguish between these 3 minerals?

Describe in your own words what a mineral’s LUSTER is:

Describe in your own words what a mineral’s STREAK is:

Describe in your own words what a mineral’s HARDNESS is (This YOUTUBE VIDEO will also help with your answer):

Describe in your own words what a mineral’s CLEAVAGE AND FRACTURE is:

Describe in your own words what a mineral’s CRYSTAL FORM is:

Describe in your own words what a mineral’s SPECIFIC GRAVITY is:

Describe in your own words what a mineral’s COLOR is:

Describe in your own words what each of the following SPECIAL PROPERTIES are:
a. Taste:
b. Opacity:
c. Magnetism:
d. Elasticity/Flexibility:
e. Smell:
f. Striations:
g. Feel:

Describe in your own words the 4 step process for mineral identification
a. STEP 1:
b. STEP 2:
c. STEP 3:
d. STEP 4:
Of the minerals that display a metallic luster, list 3 that appear ‘shiny’ like metal
a. _______________________
b. _______________________
c. _______________________

Of the minerals that display a metallic luster, list 3 that appear ‘dull’ like metal rust or tarnish.
a. _______________________
b. _______________________
c. _______________________

What is the streak color of most of the nonmetallic minerals?

Hematite, limonite and magnetite are all iron rusts. How can you use streak to distinguish between these 3 minerals?

What would be 2 simple tests you could use to tell the difference between gypsum and calcite?
a. _________________________________________________________________
b. _________________________________________________________________

 Isaacman and Sagan (1977) say that any model of solar system formation should be able to account for three main solar system characteristics. What are these characteristics?

Modeling Planetary Accretion

Isaacman and Sagan (1977) say that any model of solar system formation should be able to account for three main solar system characteristics. What are these characteristics? (3 points)

Explain how the ACRETE model determines whether a particular dust grain sticks to an accretion nucleus. Include any relevant mathematical expressions in your answer, and define the variables used. (3 points)

What additional requirement is necessary for the accretion nucleus to collect gas? (2 points)

Compare the two values of 0, and use this information to explain why the model generates terrestrial and Jovian planets. (4 points)

Describe and explain the results of varying the ratio of gas to dust K. (3 points)

What happens at nebular masses below 0.02 Me? Why is 0.2 M. the upper limit? (4 points)

The range of nebular mass from 0.02 M. to 0.2 M. is much smaller than the nebular mass of 1 M., which is used by astronomers studying the earlier history of the solar system. Why do Isaacman and Sagan not find this discrepancy problematic? (3 points)

Describe and explain the outcome of changing the eccentricity (r) of the dust particles in the nebula. (5 points)

Would you say that the model is sensitive or insensitive to changes in the distribution of density in the nebula? Support your conclusion with examples from the paper. (5 points)

Isaacman and Sagan (1977) find that the model produces planetary spacings that appear to be consistent with Trout-Bode-type laws, even for very unusual planetary systems. How do the authors interpret this outcome? (2 points)

What makes these results unique? Are there any limitations to the research results presented in this manuscript?

Technical Paper Review

Give in a list format the main objectives of the manuscript.

List the main accomplishments of this research.

Why are these accomplishments important?

Did the author(s) have a critical literature review? Support with arguments.

In your opinion, what is the gap in the literature, regarding this research topic?

Give some details about the methodology used to accomplish the research objectives of the manuscript.

Give a list of the main research results.

What makes these results unique?

Are there any limitations to the research results presented in this manuscript?

List some recommendations for future work, related to the research topic of this manuscript

What is the difference between facts and truth?How is it different from Opinion? Cite some examples.If something is factual, does it make true? If something is true to you, does it make it factual? Cite some examples.

Fact vs Truth

What is the difference between facts and truth?How is it different from Opinion? Cite some examples.

If something is factual, does it make true? If something is true to you, does it make it factual? Cite some examples.

Give some examples within the geology context illustrating the difference between facts and truths. Better if it is within the Philippines context. Make sure to cite your sources.


What are the positive and negative impacts of fracking? Should fracking be banned? How should we dispose of fracking fluids and what is the impact of disposal (Google “Oklahoma fracking”)? Should it be mandatory for government agencies to provide the public with accurate scientific information, regardless of economic consequences?

What are the positive and negative impacts of fracking? Should fracking be banned? How should we dispose of fracking fluids and what is the impact of disposal (Google “Oklahoma fracking”)? Should it be mandatory for government agencies to provide the public with accurate scientific information, regardless of economic consequences?

Is nuclear energy a safe method for energy production? Should we be building more nuclear plants as a low-carbon emission alternative for power plants? What are the major concerns with nuclear energy?

How do you view the development of offshore wind farms? Comment on this specific case. (Links to an external site.)

Offshore wind efforts are opposed by some Green organization such as Clean Ocean Action (COA). (Links to an external site.)