why was it important at the time, and what long-term impacts did it have on the commercial aviation industry?

Research paper topic:

1966 – Department of Transportation Act

Be able to provide a case/defense answering the question:

In the historical context when this topic/legislative action was taken, why was it important at the time, and what long-term impacts did it have on the commercial aviation industry?

The required length is 4-5 pages, excluding the cover page, charts, tables, graphs, diagrams, photographs, the reference page, and the appendix. Review the grading rubric in activity.

Include 5 sources to support the topic

Grading rubric is attached.

Course Book:

Lawrence, H. (2015). Aviation & the role of government. Kendall Hunt Publishing Company.

What were the chances for European American men and African American women to alter their physical and social circumstances, within the historical contexts in which they resided?


Module #1 1880-1920=http://www.americanyawp.com (Links to an external site.), Chapters 16, 18, 20, PLUS Irene McCoy Gaines, https://www.chicagohistory.org/irene-mccoy-gaines/ (Links to an external site.) and Amadeo P. Giannini, https://www.myitalianfamily.com/resource-center/tragedy-triumph-ap-giannini-and-his-bank-america (Links to an external site.)

Assignment #3. Papers are due as follows:

(Links to an external site.)

Module 1, Assignment #1. Write a 750-word paper (approximately three pages). Due: Friday, July 9, 5:00 p.m. Upload one copy of your paper to Assignment #1 in Word. ( Cannot download papers in Pages and other programs). (1880-1920)

(Links to an external site.)

Read American Yawp, Chapters 16, 18, 20; and read about Irene McCoy Gaines, and Amadeo P. Giannini.

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Main theme:

Beginning around 1880, a new group of migrants reached the U.S—members of this group began their voyages in Asia, Latin America, the Caribbean, and in Southern and Eastern Europe. Americans living in the south also began another migration, this one to northern cities. African Americans residing in the South were among the poorest Americans, and they enjoyed few of the protections of law and courts. For most European and African Americans, adult life consisted of mastering the problem of finding work. Those migrants, wherever their journeys began, lived their material, emotional, political, and social lives just as we do–by “raising” families, “getting” a living, buying and selling property, and migrating. Here’s an additional idea to consider: Migrants did not seek some “American Dream.” Instead, a way of life (wherever they resided) was coming to an end—and they departed in search of jobs and modest, secure lives for themselves and loved ones.

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We want to study the people who departed Africa, Europe, Asia, Latin America, the Caribbean/and Pacific Islands, and the Indian subcontinent.  Remember that migration has also included the movement of people within the U.S. from one place to another—from farms to cities to suburbs, from south to north and maybe back south, and among African American, Latin peoples, and low-income whites a lengthy and hazardous trek toward an uncertain future.

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As one way to start to think about migrants, ask yourself, where did your parents and grandparents (and those before them, if possible) live and work, and why did they relocate to the U.S. and to Florida? From time to time,  acquire pieces of information regarding my grandparents (mother’s side), who resided in Romania c. 1880—and they were in turn part of a migration from a small town to the U.S., Israel, and Australia c. 1900-1910). We have two daughters, both married—one husband’s family moved from Ireland to the US after World War II; and our other son-in-law’s family moved from Lithuania to South Africa (c. 1900) and then to the U.S. in the mid-1970s.

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750 Word Essay Theme:

Limited chances for upward mobility for American immigrants. Based on American Yawp, Lectures, and Videos No other sources permitted; and Essay must include all sources. (Papers will be processed through Turnitin)

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What were the factors that shaped the lives of A.P. Giannini and Irene Gaines?

What were the chances for European American men and African American women to alter their physical and social circumstances, within the historical contexts in which they resided?

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Grades: A=Giannini and Gaines are prominently featured in your essay; you explain how race/gender/economy/industry/migration limited/enhanced their opportunities. Footnotes to American Yawp and two videos at the bottom. Clearly written, no/few spelling errors; double spaced; name and paper title on p. 1, top.

(Links to an external site.)

B. Giannini and Gaines are featured, but less prominently. Connections to race/gender/economy/industry/migration, etc. are less clearly stated. Footnotes not in correct order; a few spelling errors, single space, name/paper title not clear/missing.

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C. Giannini and Gaines are not visible in the essay. Descriptions of the era’s race/gender/industry/migration are unclear. Other elements listed in A and B missing.

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D/F.  Do not submit D/F papers.  Want you to succeed at FAU.

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The main idea of the essay is clearly stated and supported with multiple details from the lesson content. | Conclusions demonstrate a strong understanding of the lesson content

What is the biggest problem facing the president as he deals with this topic?What were the strengths or weaknesses of the article?

It Would Be a Terrible Thing if we Handed These People over to the Communists”:

The title of the article is “It Would Be a Terrible Thing if we Handed These People over to the Communists”: The EisenhowerAdministration, Article 14(d), and the Origins of the Refugee Exodus from North Vietnam. By Philip E Catton, Diplomatic History, Vol. 39, No. 2 (2015).
In terms of the content of the report looking for two main points of discussion. First, devote the first half of the report to a summary of the main points that the author is trying to convey to the reader.

To help to address this issue, consider some of these questions:

Which president is the topic of this article, and what is the time frame for the article?

What is the foreign policy topic being discussed?

For example, is the topic about trade or terrorism?

Does the topic correspond to the Cold War?

What is the biggest problem facing the president as he deals with this topic?

What is the author’s purpose for writing this article?

What is the author’s academic or professional background?

As for the second point of discussion, provide opinions or perceptions of the article.

In other words, what did you think about it?

What were the strengths or weaknesses of the article?

How did the invasion affect relations between the United States and other nations of the Middle East?

The invasion of Iraq

Graded Assignment
To Invade or Not to Invade
Complete and submit this Graded Assignment by the due date to receive full credit.


1. The invasion of Iraq was very controversial. Many editors and columnists voiced strong opinions on the Iraq War. Use your knowledge of current events and the information in your textbook to write two short editorials. One should state why the United States should have invaded Iraq; the other editorial should state why the United States should not have invaded Iraq.

Some points you may wish to consider:

• What was the stated purpose of the invasion?

• Why did the United States initiate a preemptive war?

• Has the United States engaged in preemptive wars in the past?

• Were there alternatives to invasion?

• Was it reasonable to assume that the U.S. military could defeat the Iraqi military?

• What strategy did the United States have for rebuilding the Iraqi government and economy after the fall of Saddam Hussein?

• What was the American public asked to do to support the war effort?

• What was the human cost of the war on Iraq and on the United States?

• What was the economic impact of the war on Iraq and on the United States?

• How did the invasion affect relations between the United States and its traditional allies?

• How did the invasion affect relations between the United States and other nations of the Middle East?

Consider how the advice was relevant to Beowulf both as a warrior and as a king and whether Beowulf followed the advice.

Academic style is Chicago style

Topic 2:

Using evidence from Hrothgar’s speech or sermon (ll. 1685-1795), examine the nature of his advice to Beowulf and place it within the context of the events within the poem.

You should consider how the advice was relevant to Beowulf both as a warrior and as a king and whether Beowulf followed the advice.


only use the source that has been provided as a PDF.

If more details are required, the page has been uploaded as a PDF as well.

What were the strategies that the political elites used to develop Latin America? How did these strategies change over time?

Read the article : Nationalism and Development An Overview.

Using that article and any outside sources write an essay answering the question:

What were the strategies that the political elites used to develop Latin America? How did these strategies change over time?

Also using evidence why do you think there is so much inequality in Latin America today?

Give five examples to detail your points.

How would ancient Babylonian concepts of law compare to modern situations (i.e. drugs, gangs, sexual assaults, internet fraud, money laundering, etc.)?

Hammurabi’s Code

After studying Hammurabi’s Code, we can identify many similarities and differences with our own set of laws that govern this country.

Your assignment is to analyze and compare the laws of American society with Hammurabi’s code.

This should not be, however, just a listing of points. You should point out similarities that might contradict our “democratic” society, or define our freedom as Americans in vast contrast to restrictions of ancient Babylonian culture.

Here are some questions you may want to consider:

Who or what determines the criteria of fair penalties for crimes?

Why is there a need to create laws in society?

How would ancient Babylonian concepts of law compare to modern situations (i.e. drugs, gangs, sexual assaults, internet fraud, money laundering, etc.)?

How was the enforcement of the code a means of unifying Hammurabi’s empire?

How is our justice system compared in fairness with Hammurabi’s code? This should be a very through and detailed response.

To what extent were changing economic practices responsible for the abolition of the slave trade in Britain in 1807?

The essays must answer the following question:

To what extent were changing Economic practices responsible for the abolition of the slave trade in Britain in 1807?

The essay must have primary and secondary sources, in total must have 12 sources, more secondary than primary sources as it should be based mostly on the secondary sources.

It needs to have in text citations and bibliography, in APA 7th Style.

It must have as sources the 3 articles .

It should be good to see a brief say about some important Quackers that contributed to the abolition.

To what extent is this memory of the postwar era true?

The post-WWII period is often remembered as the moment when the American dream became a reality.

To what extent is this memory of the postwar era true?

Rather, the best papers will analyze what these plays reveal about this period in American history and culture, and what their authors were trying to convey through them.

Reference at least one specific example from Death of a Salesman OR A Raisin in the Sun.

Incorporate no less than 3 key terms from lectures, being sure to explain what the term means, when it took place, and why it is historically significant.

Key Terms are Reagonomics, Savings and Loan Crisis, and Department of Housing and Urban Development
Academic Style:
Times New Roman
12 pt font

In your opinion, which type of historical film is better suited to depict the recent past (i.e. mid to late 20th century, and early 21st century)?

read the attached document first before answering the question

In the reading “The Cinematic Writing of History:

An Overview,” Burgoyne specifies different subtypes of historical films.

In your opinion, which type of historical film is better suited to depict the recent past (i.e. mid to late 20th century, and early 21st century)?