Describe who your participants will be and how they will be selected

Campaign Financing Elections in the United States versus Canada

Describe who your participants will be and how they will be selected

Describe how you will collect data, including the length of interviews or

Describe your role as the researcher and your level of involvement

Describe the method you will use to analyze the data (Coding procedures). Be specific and provide appropriate citations.

 Is Elazar’s model of federalism the best model that we have reviewed so far in upholding a Christian worldview? If you agree, provide at least three reasons from scripture (or from the framers’ views on federalism, human nature, and limited government) with support for each reason.

Book Review

Write a book review for Exploring Federalism by Daniel Elazar that addresses and answers the following questions:

How does Elazar’s model of federalism compare to other leading models we have encountered in the course thus far?

Is Elazar’s model of federalism the best model that we have reviewed so far in upholding a Christian worldview? If you agree, provide at least three reasons from scripture (or from the framers’ views on federalism, human nature, and limited government) with support for each reason.

What was his “feel” for the nature of his power in the circumstances of his time?Which of our forty-six presidents do you believe is the greatest?[1] And why do you believe so? Submit a cogent argument for your position.

American Presidency
President Barack Obama is my choice for the greatest President.

In this course we examined, among other things, the powers of and limits on the American presidency, as well as the relationships between the president and other major actors in the political system. And we studied presidential leadership during time of war and crisis.

Now it is time to appraise and evaluate. (For more on this see Neustadt, chapter 9 and Ginsberg, chapter 10.)

Which of our forty-six presidents do you believe is the greatest?[1] And why do you believe so? Submit a cogent argument for your position.

You may find it useful to consider Professor Richard Neustadt’s four questions in your appraisal:

What were his purposes and did these run with or against the grain of history?

What was his “feel” for the nature of his power in the circumstances of his time?

What was his stance under pressure in office?

What was his legacy?

What is the role of Trump in the current crisis of liberal world order?Can the current crisis of liberal world order be understood without taking into account colonialism?

Writers choice, you can find the essay questions in the instructions

Is the current crisis of liberal world order a crisis of US authority or reflective of a broader crisis of liberalism?

Can the current crisis of liberal world order be understood without taking into account colonialism?

What is the role of Trump in the current crisis of liberal world order?

The current world order has seen a rise in white nationalism across many liberal states. What are some of the connections between the crisis of liberal world order, the rise of white nationalism and the politics of gender and sexuality?

Critics argue that the history of the rise of the modern liberal order is a history of capitalist violence. Discuss this argument in reference to the post-Cold War era (i.e. debates on: neoliberal globalization; use of war).

How can Mill’s concept of ‘racial liberalism’ provide insights into some of the politics of the current crisis of liberal world order? Discuss in reference to at least one example associated with post-Cold war era liberal internationalism.
Some critics connect the current crisis of liberal world order to what they see as deeper, structural tensions inherent in liberalism and ‘the liberal project’. Discuss in reference to at least one specific example (eg. Covid19 crisis: its origins in industrial agriculture; intellectual property rights; distribution of vaccines etc).

How do we make sense of a long history of examples of liberal states acting (largely) benign-liberal domestically and ‘illiberal’ abroad/in their foreign relations? Discuss in reference to at least one specific example in the post-Cold War era.

How do we make sense of a long history of examples of liberal states acting (largely) benign-liberal domestically and ‘illiberal’ abroad/in their foreign relations? (If this has changed,) W/were earlier liberal states simply ‘immature’?