How does this topic introduce a course of action to defend traditional family values?

A course of action to defend traditional family values

What is the topic that you have selected? What is the thesis sentence which introduces your topic and begins the foundation for your paper’s direction?

What is the historic significance of this topic and how has this topic been addressed in times past? What are the contradictions that go against or support traditional family values based on the course insights?

How does this topic introduce a course of action to defend traditional family values?

 What did you find interesting about the religion.How is this religion similar and different than your own faith.

Reflect on the following religions as we study them…
Consider the following questions as guidelines

What did you find interesting about the religion.

Find an article on the religion and write/reflect about it.

How is this religion similar and different than your own faith.

This journal will be ongoing until we complete the course .you will continue to resubmit the journal after each religion has been studied.
Aboriginal Spirituality

What has been the influence of Christian patrons on the art we encounter today in London? Do modern artworks and the institutions which display them tell their own ‘story of salvation’? Who, if anyone, benefits when theology engages with the arts in the context of the modern city, and how?

Salvation and the City: Christian Faith and the Arts in London’

How have the arts provided a means for Christians in London to express their faith? Answer giving particular examples.

How are ecclesiastical buildings in London related to the activities that have gone on within and around them, and does this make their architecture an expression of Christian worship and/or witness? Make reference to at least two buildings.

‘Seeing is believing:’ do you think that one of the purposes of establishing a National Gallery full of sacred art at the heart of London was to foster religious belief? And either way, how might an argument for maintaining such a collection today differ from the vision of its founders?

Discuss two works of art made for a specifically Christian setting that are now displayed in a gallery setting in London (paintings, prints, or sculptures). Critically compare (i) their setting, function and intended effect at the time of their creation and (ii) their setting and function now.

Either (a) ‘London is a great musical melting pot in which there can be no purely religious and no purely secular musical form.’ Discuss.
Or (b) What purpose, if any, might music serve in the creation or sustenance of religious vision and religious community?

‘The history of London theatre must in part be a history of the Church’. Discuss.

Does London’s theatrical tradition support the claim that theatre is a kind of liturgy?

Compare two different visions of London in the works of Christian writers.

What has been the influence of Christian patrons on the art we encounter today in London?

Do modern artworks and the institutions which display them tell their own ‘story of salvation’?

Who, if anyone, benefits when theology engages with the arts in the context of the modern city, and how?

The 20th century has used film to reflect on the modern city; the 21st century continues to do so. Is there anything theologically interesting about this tradition?

Do you agree with the claim that art museums in the modern period fulfil some of the same functions as cathedrals and churches have done in the past?

‘Christianity is the most materialistic of all the great religions’ (William Temple). Do you agree with this claim, and what are its implications for the making of Christian art? Use examples from London to support your argument.

What is the most important, surprising, interesting or concerning teaching or practice that you learned from the reading, PowerPoint, lecture notes, audio lecture or video? Why?

Reflection 1

Paragraph 1:

Write two questions—one emerging from the assigned reading and one from other class content? Why are these questions important or interesting to you?

Paragraph 2:

What is the most important, surprising, interesting or concerning teaching or practice that you learned from the reading, PowerPoint, lecture notes, audio lecture or video? Why?

Video links:

Sadhguru on How To Never Get Angry or Bothered By People:

Overcome The Fear of Being Judged– Sadhguru:

Paragraph 3:

How might the weekly reading/content be relevant to your own life and/or cultural or religious context? In other words, how would your life transform if you incorporated one of the teachings or practices in your daily life? Be specific and use examples.

What are the contributing factors that lead AFAM men to recede the church?How can the active AFAM men in the church support other AFAM men towards discipleship in the community?

Why don’t African American men attend church regularly

Research Questions

What are the social experiences, if any that AFAM men are enduring as it relates to the relevancy of the Church in their lives?

What can the church do to increase AFAM men’s participation in the church in the future?

How are AFAM men viewing themselves as being role models for other AFAM men?

What are the contributing factors that lead AFAM men to recede the church?

How can the active AFAM men in the church support other AFAM men towards discipleship in the community?

What is the author’s main point?Is this a valuable contribution in the field of Ecumenism and interfaith? Explain how.

Refer to attachments and paper details section

COURSE: Ecumenism and Interfaith
I. Introduction: (20pts)

Who the author is? (10pts)

What is the author’s main point? (10pts)

II. Body: 50pts

Summarize the author’s argument. (30pts)

Where are some of the interfaith issues raised in the book? (10pts)

Include quotes that support the author perspective. (10pts)

III. Conclusion: (30pts)

Evaluate: What do you think? (10pts)

Were you persuaded by what you read? (10pts)

Is this a valuable contribution in the field of Ecumenism and interfaith? Explain how. (10pts)

 Describe and critically evaluate a range of Christian understandings of moral concepts and issues and their place in Christian discipleship and witness.


Demonstrate a detailed knowledge of biblical material pertaining to ethics and
draw upon it critically and with theological rigour in dialogue with Christian tradition and contemporary moral theologians in articulating a Christian ethical perspective.

Describe and critically evaluate a range of Christian understandings of moral
concepts and issues and their place in Christian discipleship and witness.

Reflect critically upon their own methods and conclusions in Christian moral

Watch one of the following full-length Jesus movies and write a one-page summary and reflection. These are available from sources like Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, and YouTube.

Video Summary: Jesus Movie

Watch one of the following full-length Jesus movies and write a one-page summary and reflection. These are available from sources like Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, and YouTube.

The Gospel of Luke (2017)

The Jesus Film (2016)

Jesus: He Lived Among Us (2011)

Explain the theology and how it forms and informs leaders. In the last paragraph state the statement (i.e. This paper will address Christology and how the study of Jesus Christ forms and informs leaders by outlining the reality, the knowledge, the value and the purpose of Jesus for the leader).


This proposal assignment is designed to initiate the Biblical Theology Paper and to provide an opportunity for initial feedback from the instructor. The focus is to connect leadership with theology and how that theology would form and inform a leader.

The student will select a theology from the list below, give an explanation of that theology and propose in two paragraphs how the chosen theology forms and informs leadership. Specific examples will be given in your paper but are not needed in the proposal.

A clear and concise  sentence must be provided (see Liberty Online Writing Center). A Turabian-style bibliography of eight peer reviewed sources (in addition to the course textbooks and the Bible) that will be used in the paper must be included.

Title Page using the Sample Turabian Title Page template provided under Writing Style Guide.

Explain the theology and how it forms and informs leaders. In the last paragraph state the statement (i.e. This paper will address Christology and how the study of Jesus Christ forms and informs leaders by outlining the reality, the knowledge, the value and the purpose of Jesus for the leader).

Bibliography (Turabian style)

Theology proper – The study of the character of God.

Angelology – The study of angels.

Biblical theology – The study of the Bible.

Christology – The study of Christ.

Ecclesiology – The study of the church.

Eschatology – The study of the end times.

Hamartiology – The study of sin.

Pneumatology – The study of the Holy Spirit.

Soteriology – The study of salvation.

Theological anthropology – The study of the nature of humanity.