Describe the percentages in the table(s) and comment on the Chi-square tests of statistical significance. You should include the output from SPSS that you have used to generate the results and describe the relevant parts in your answer.

Explore the association between age and attitudes towards same sex sexual relations

Using the British Social Attitudes dataset called ‘assoc2013.sav’, create a contingency table in SPSS that allows you to explore the association between age and attitudes towards same sex sexual relations. You should layer this table by sex so that you can look at the association separately for men and women.

The variable homosex asks whether the respondent thinks same sex sexual relations are always, mostly, sometimes, rarely or never wrong. Age3cat splits age into thre bands. Rsex denotes the sex of the respondent.

You should describe the results of your analysis in no more than 300 words (not including any tables or charts). Make sure you describe the percentages in the table(s) and comment on the Chi-square tests of statistical significance. You should include the output from SPSS that you have used to generate the results and describe the relevant parts in your answer.

Have sent the file called ‘assoc2013.sav’ to support and they told me they will send it you in order to complete this order.

Evaluate the relationship dynamics as well as specific problems/issues that the couple or family interviewed have faced/have not faced or are currently facing.

Evaluate and Analyze the Couples Interview

Evaluate and analyze the interview data that uploaded from a sociological perspective. Readings have been made available on qualitative interview analysis.

Evaluate the relationship dynamics as well as specific problems/issues that the couple or family interviewed have faced/have not faced or are currently facing.

Every interview is different, the types of sociological concepts that are applicable will also be different. Use at least 8 concepts or theories.

BOLD the concepts or theories used. Select the concepts or theories that best speak to the sociological themes and patterns found in your qualitative interview data. While writing the essay, be sure to BOLD the concepts that are introduced and make sure each term is properly defined and/or explained before applying it to examples.

Utilize 4 peer reviewed journal article to address these relationship dynamics and issues from a sociological perspective and how these sociological concepts or theories can be applied to couples and families more broadly in society. Finally, please incorporate the Christian worldview by incorporating the Biblical perspective by way of solutions and/or guidance.

• Consistently defines and applies at least 8 or more sociological terms and concepts without error.

• Shows a strong & direct comprehension link between discipline concepts, data collected, and current research.

• Paper is well organized with a thesis focus, an informative middle and an effective conclusion.

• Relevantly incorporates Biblical perspective with sociological world view. Provides 3 Biblical references.

This assignment requires knowledge of social scientific research methodology. For those not familiar with qualitative interviewing, please read this short introduction:

As a note, qualitative interviewing provides a method for collecting rich and detailed information about how individuals experience, understand and explain events in their lives.

While the main questions will help establish the topic of discussion, most interviewees will only have a general idea of the interviewer’s goals and the level of depth that the interviewer is looking for in their responses

Write a 3-4 page research essay (excluding APA title page, appendix, and reference sheet or bibliography) that addresses the following questions and contexts. In this paper, explore the relationship of music to at least three of the decades between the 1960s and today. Your paper should discuss high profile events or movements that happened in each of the three decades and for each decade pick a song that personifies or represents the primary “mood” of the decade. In the essay:

Music in Activism -Black Lives Matter

For your final paper assignment, you are to write a 3-4 page research essay (excluding APA title page, appendix, and reference sheet or bibliography) that addresses the following questions and contexts. In this paper, explore the relationship of music to at least three of the decades between the 1960s and today. Your paper should discuss high profile events or movements that happened in each of the three decades and for each decade pick a song that personifies or represents the primary “mood” of the decade. In the essay:

Identify the steps you took to identify a funding source, describe in as much detail as is available the parameters of the grant, and evaluate the fit between your project’s needs and the grant’s target.

Identifying a Funding Source – Grant writing
In this assignment, research the funding sites given in this and previous units to find a source that might fund your project.

Provide specific details on the funding source, including the name, type (public or private), affiliations, mission, amount of grant, list of requirements, and eligibility.

You may not find all this information (especially for non-government grants) on the grant search sites.

You may need to search the Internet for information on the organization.

It is always best to know as much as you can about the funding sources before applying.

In a 2–4 page paper, identify the steps you took to identify a funding source, describe in as much detail as is available the parameters of the grant, and evaluate the fit between your project’s needs and the grant’s target.

Finally, evaluate whether there are any potential ethical issues between the grant’s parameters and requirements and the NASW code of ethics.

Consider where these factors align, but also where they diverge. Use scholarly sources to back your arguments regarding fit.

Hypothesis section/methods ideas- State what your hypothesis is and why you agree with the hypothesis.

This is a group research paper in APA format.The essay is social Justice: Benefactors of Consumerism & Support of Company Ideologies. The introduction has been done,  just need the hypothesis/methods idea.

Will attached another essay about childhood and parents relationship to follow that format.

hypothesis section/methods ideas- State what your hypothesis is and why you agree with the hypothesis.

The paragraph doesn’t need to be a long but decent paragraph (reference my example paper for guidance)

Method – participants (qualitative or quantitative research ?) – it is up to you. For participants what age group did you use, how many people, half in favor of consumerism, the other half who don’t favor consumerism.

Income, race, where the research took place, etc. Include where you conducted the study, and that they signed a a waiver saying that they participated in the research. How long it took,etc.

Identify at least two sociological theories and/or concepts from our class materials and discuss how they can help better explain what is happening in the article.

Purpose: For this assignment you will demonstrate your ability to apply your sociological imagination to better explain current events. You can use your textbook and notes to help.

This assignment will help you think more critically about the news and other media you consume on a daily basis, as well as to better understand and critique arguments using a sociological perspective.

Task: Your task is to identify one of the news articles from the list below that you are interested in writing about.

Then, in your written assignment ( 1 page, 12 pt. font, single spaced, with 1 inch margins on all sides) you will identify at least two sociological theories and/or concepts from our class materials and discuss how they can help better explain what is happening in the article.

You should not simply recite what an article says, but instead add some sociology in order to better explain what is happening around us.

Must mention here that it is more important that you understand rather than agree with what you have read. Below are some tips that may help you get started.

Sociological theories and concepts: Incorporate and explain at least two sociological ideas, theories, concepts into your response.

Page length, grammar, spelling, and logic:

Write in complete sentences and be sure to use proper grammar and spell check. Your paper should be at minimum 1 page. Let your work reflect your best self. Proofread before you upload your assignment.

What assumptions do people make about it that sociology can inform (or change)? What does sociology bring to the table that differs from people’s everyday social and cultural assumptions?

Identify a sociologically relevant topic or problem of your choosing. For your final project, you must link that topic/problem to the wide range of tools of sociological thought you have learned this semester in a presentation (e.g., PowerPoint) or written review.

Your project must substantially fulfill the following requirements:

Give a background of the topic or problem you have chosen and discuss why it would benefit from being understood through a sociological lens.

What assumptions do people make about it that sociology can inform (or change)? What does sociology bring to the table that differs from people’s everyday social and cultural assumptions?

Discuss how two sociological theories can be applied. In doing so, you should make clear that you understand how the core perspectives of the theory can connect to and offer insight on the real-world example you have chosen. In other words, how would this theory interpret your topic?

It may be easiest to choose from the major theories (Structural-Functionalism, Symbolic Interactionism, and Conflict Theory), but recall that there are some other theories presented in your readings.

Discuss how two sociological concepts can be applied. In doing so, you should show how these concepts can be seen at work inside the topic/problem you’ve identified. Use them to zero in on aspects of your example and interpret them. You may choose from the following list of concepts:

Social Structure
Social inequality
Social identity
Including groups and categories
Power and authority (counts as one)
Social change

(Important: note that if you choose Conflict Theory as one of your theories, you may not choose social inequality as one of your concepts.)

If you do a presentation, remember that you will not actually have the opportunity to present it to your instructor in person. This means that you cannot explain what’s on your slides.

Therefore, you should not use them as rough, illustrative guides. While they do not have to read like a paper, they must contain all the content required for the project.

A few brief sentences will not adequately meet each requirement; you will be evaluated on how thoroughly and how well you meet these requirements. Accordingly, use as many slides as it takes to fully present your work and your thought. If necessary, err on the side of “too much”!

If you choose to do a written paper instead of a presentation, it must be 5 pages in length (Times New Roman, 12-pt font, double spaced, 1″ margins).

Whichever option you choose,  provide a list of references at the end and be sure to disclose in the body of your presentation or paper where you have used words, figures, ideas, or any other material from your sources.

You are not required to use any references other than your textbook, but you are required to identify this and any other source that you use.

Regardless, write a letter as if you were writing it to one of your selected “Soul Models.” Explain the role they have played in your life and what that has meant to you.

Journal 2

In the journal assignment last week asked you to identify who your “Soul Models” were and to try to pinpoint some of the ways in which they have influenced you.

This week would like for you to think about what you would say to those people.

Maybe some of them are living; maybe some have passed. Maybe some are famous; maybe some live in your town.

Regardless, write a letter as if you were writing it to one of your selected “Soul Models.” Explain the role they have played in your life and what that has meant to you.