Identify a vulnerable individual or group from your field of nursing / midwifery and analyse the factors which can contribute to this person or group being viewed as vulnerable

Vulnerable individual or group

NURS 1423: Care and Support of Vulnerable Individuals and Groups
Essay plan – this is to help you to structure your work and address each essay component. As a plan, bullet points are sufficient, in the essay you turn it into academic writing.

Introduction –
what you’re going to do, the group (individual –discuss with marker) you’ve chosen and why you’ve chosen them.
You may also want to include a brief consideration of what vulnerability is:

Factors which contribute to the group being vulnerable ie what is it about that situation makes them vulnerable. Discuss briefly 3-8 different factors (in the essay a sentence or two on each factor)

Focus on 2 or 3 of these in more detail (in the essay a paragraph or two on each) and discuss an intervention which will specifically address that vulnerability.

Discuss what you expect the outcomes of the interventions to be.

At least one intervention should be multi-agency, briefly consider the implications of multi agency working

Conclusion –
Summarise what you have done (do not include new information).

You are asked to write a 2000 word essay which focuses on an individual or group who are seen as being vulnerable, analyse the factors which contribute to this and discuss the multi professional and /or multi agency interventions to help reduce these factors including the expected outcomes of such interventions.

1. Identify a vulnerable individual or group from your field of nursing / midwifery and analyse the factors which can contribute to this person or group being viewed as vulnerable

2. Discuss the multi professional and / or multi agency interventions which can be
implemented to try to reduce the identified vulnerability factors

3. Discuss the expected outcomes of these multi-professional and / or multi agency interventions.