Explain the debt structure for a developed country such as United States and explain why developing countries with lower level of debt to GDP have debt problems whereas U.S. with higher level of debt to GDP doesn’t have a debt problem? Outline the importance of debt maturity.

Evaluate Financial Crisis, Debt Management, and Debt Prevention
For this assignment:

Reflect on the factors that contribute to public and private debt; what are the main determinants of foreign debt?

Provide some data on the debt structure (share of public and private debt) of crisis economies (like Greece, Spain, Portugal).

Compare debt structure of emerging economies with that of advanced economies, such as the United States.

What are the differences among different regions including BRICs, South Asia, and Latin America?

How can countries succeed in debt management; what are the strategies that could control public debt at a desirable level?

Explain the debt structure for a developed country such as United States and explain why developing countries with lower level of debt to GDP have debt problems whereas U.S. with higher level of debt to GDP doesn’t have a debt problem? Outline the importance of debt maturity.

Explain the importance of government policies in managing debt crisis and debt prevention

Provide a roadmap to avoid foreign debt crisis in the future

What factors contribute to the success or otherwise of an international regime? Outline your answer with reference to at least one international regime of your choice

International relations


Reflective Portfolio (1,500 words + bibliography)

The reflective journal should be a word document which includes copies of your two best
discussion board posts. In addition, it must contain a 500-word reflective essay that answers, in the context of what you have learned, one of the following questions:

What can academics learn from the study of global governance?

What can policy practitioners learn from the study of global governance?

The Reflective Journal should therefore be a total of 1500 words + bibliography.
The deadline for the Reflective Journal is Thursday 19th April 2021, 11:59pm.

Questions for Posts and Responses:

Questions for Posts and Responses may be found in the Blackboard Weekly Tasks section below.

Choose one of the following topics:

1. ‘Global governance is not the same as world government’ (Keohane and Nye). Do you agree? Outline your answer with appropriate examples.

2. How do ideas matter in making sense of power in global governance?

3. ‘Global governance is little more than an instrument for the exercise of hegemonic power’. Critically evaluate this argument drawing upon examples.

4. What factors contribute to the success or otherwise of an international regime? Outline your answer with reference to at least one international regime of your choice (see the list below for some examples of international regimes)

5. “International organizations socialize states to accept new political goals and new social values in ways which have lasting impact” (Finnemore). Critically assess this assertion drawing upon evidence from one or more cases with which you are familiar.

6. To what extent has the vision of the UN as ‘the world’s policeman’ (see Williams and Bellamy in Weiss et. al., p. 417) been achieved in practice?

7. To what extent do civil society organisations (CSOs) have the power or legitimacy to help realise more humane and democratic forms of global governance? Analyse in relation to one or more global governance regime (e.g. trade, finance, development, environment, security, etc.)

8. Is ‘club governance’ a help or a hindrance to effective global governance?

9. Which theory covered on the course (neoliberal institutionalism, constructivism, realism, or Marxism) best explains the emergence of the BRICS?

10. Are we living in an era of ‘post-hegemonic multilateralism’, and to what extent is this a positive or negative factor in the governance of globalisation?

11. What actions could be taken to make global governance more democratic?