What is the “source” of this new information in this article?Who is the intended audience ? Why do you think that?

Assignment A
Analysis of Healthcare News Article:

Jacobs, A. (2022). Hedgehogs Are a Source of Drug-Resistant Bacteria, Study Finds. The New York Times.

Answer the following questions. Each question should be answered with several sentences. Total word count for the assingment should be at least 300 words.

Give a summary of this article.
Who is the intended audience ? Why do you think that?
What is the “source” of this new information in this article?
What makes this a “news article?” How is it different from other genres of writing?
If you were a healthcare organization CEO, what would you do with this information?

How would you respond to calls to share your company’s IP and under what circumstances? How would a Biblical worldview influence your decisions?

The companies that developed the vaccines and treatments in the covid pandemic provide very real-life, real-time examples of the questions of protecting patents as business assets while answering social responsibility concerns.

As the CEO of one of these companies, how would you respond to calls to share your company’s IP and under what circumstances? How would a Biblical worldview influence your decisions?

Consider, for example, the following:
Rowland, C., Rauhala E., & Berger, M. (2021, March 20). Drug companies defend vaccine monopolies in face of global outcry. The Washington Post.

D’Eminio, F. (2021, October 11). Moderna has no plans to share its COVID-19 vaccine recipe. AP. https://apnews.com/article/coronavirus-pandemic-technology-business-united-nations-europe-d4aff7ddb273194b312354a57c244ce6

Washington Post. https://bi-gale-com.ezproxy.liberty.edu/global/article/GALE%7CA680335867/3c02464fd736364ef628911fa70dea32?u=vic_liberty

Is the decision whether or not to sell Qantas’ frequent flyer program a strategic or operational decision? Is it a programmed or non-programmed decision? Explain your answer using references to Buhler (2001) or Kourdi (2003).


The frequent flyer program is Qantas’ most valuable asset and a sale of this program would help Qantas get out of its current financial troubles. However, selling the program would also mean allowing another company to have access to Qantas most loyal customers including their business class and first class customers. In the long-run, there is potential the sale could backfire and would not be wise.

Is the decision whether or not to sell Qantas’ frequent flyer program a strategic or operational decision? Is it a programmed or non-programmed decision? Explain your answer using references to Buhler (2001) or Kourdi (2003).

Joyce has been the CEO of Qantas for six years and is an experienced airline executive. Given his experience, do you recommend Joyce use a rational or intuitive approach to this decision? If there is a new CEO who comes from another industry and does not have this airline experience, would you recommend they use a rational or intuitive approach? Explain your reasoning, and make references to Buhler (2001) or Kourdi (2003) as appropriate.

What could the company have done differently:CEO should have been more involved in the decision-making process  Hostile environment for employees?

What could the company have done differently:
Before the scandal:
CEO should have been more involved in the decision-making process
Hostile environment for employees?

During the scandal:
Since the problems with the vehicles were known, leadership should have
made better decisions

After the scandal:
Produce more zero-emission cars
Win back the trust of its customers
Repair their brand in order to branch into other countries
Third party audits to ensure no rules are being broken and reports must be
made public

Consider and discuss the practical implications of the recommendations for the business, such as the challenges/process of
changing company culture, impact of hiring/firing decisions on
talent management and cost, company financial performance and
impact on customer/consumer confidence

Social media are digital media/channel combinations that empower stakeholders as participants in the communication process by allowing them to share content, revise content, respond to content, or contribute new content. Why do you believe that this complicates communication in the business context and in what ways is this memo an example of just how complicated things have become for companies?

When a memo gets you fired

After you have completed the readings, respond to the following questions:

Based on your readings, what do you think the fired engineer’s intended message was? What did he do right, and what did he do wrong in conveying his message to his intended audience?

It has been argued that the fired engineer’s memo was not intended to belittle women or minorities, but rather intended to encourage Google employees to take account of their own biases as a means of reducing the so-called gender gap in tech employment. Putting your own opinions aside, refer back to his memo, and cite examples where this viewpoint perhaps might be justified. Then explain in detail, referencing your citations from his memo, ways he could have changed his memo to communicate the intention of “reducing the gender gap in tech employment.”

Many of the offensive statements made by the Google employee were based on opinion, rather than fact, such as “most women are biologically unsuited to working in tech because they were more focused on ‘feelings and aesthetics than ideas’ and had ‘a stronger interest in people rather than things.’” In what ways could the employee have strengthened his memo to persuade his audience (whatever his intention might have been), using facts, rather than opinion?

Google has dealt with criticism that it has not done enough to hire and promote women and minorities.The fired employee simultaneously questioned Google’s recruitment practices for a diverse workforce and argued that the reason there are not a lot of women in tech positions is not because they are being discriminated against, but because they do not want high-stress jobs, are more anxious, and crave more work-life balance than men. Google has long promoted a culture of openness, with employees allowed to question senior executives and even mock its strategy in internal forums. In what ways do you believe this memo crossed the line in also advancing harmful gender stereotypes even while criticizing Google’s hiring practices?

In his response memo, Google’s CEO did say that portions of the memo had “violated the company’s code of conduct and crossed the line “by advancing harmful gender stereotypes in our workplace.” Your readings highlight some of the leadership lessons the CEO conveyed in the message of his memo. What do you believe were the most meaningful lessons he demonstrated as a leader? (You may want to cite not only your readings from this assignment, but also refer to Part 1 (Chapters 1-3) in “How to Win Friends and Influence People in the Digital Age”).

Social media are digital media/channel combinations that empower stakeholders as participants in the communication process by allowing them to share content, revise content, respond to content, or contribute new content. Why do you believe that this complicates communication in the business context and in what ways is this memo an example of just how complicated things have become for companies?

Similarly, social media reduces the amount of control businesses have over the content and process of communication. Google has learned how to adapt their communication efforts to this new media landscape and to welcome customers’ participation. When memos like this go public, why is it so important for companies to respond appropriately for example on Twitter or Facebook?

Consider the memo as a product of Google’s internal communication structure in welcoming input from employees. As noted above, it is important for companies to respond to the public if internal communications become public. How do you feel that social media has affected the business communication structure of Google in revolutionizing its internal communication processes and promoting the flow of ideas?

How do you think the internal communications processes in combination with recognizing the role of digital communications in the modern business environments has broken down traditional barriers in the organizational hierarchy (you may want to refer back to Chapters 5-7 from Business Essentials to fully answer the question).

In what ways do you think the impact of digital networks has enabled networks of individuals and organizations to collaborate, share information, and request information? How has it become easier, and in what ways has it become more difficult?

Describe a time when you least felt like a CEO? What were t he cir cumstances during that time?What do you value least about being a CEO? Why?

The system theory incorporates various perspective on mental health.’ Discuss with reference to two perspectives and specific psychological disorder(s).

Part I: Positive Pole Questions

Describe a time when you most felt like a CEO? What were t he circumstances during t hat

Describe a time when you were proud t o be a CEO? Why were you proud?

What do you value most about being a CEO? Why?

Part II: Negative Pole Questions

Describe a time when you least felt like a CEO? What were t he cir cumstances during that time?

Describe a time when you were em barrassed t o be a CEO? Why were you em barrassed?

What do you value least about being a CEO? Why?

Part III: Zero Point Questions

Imagine you had a magic wand that grant ed three wishes for you t o m ore fully become the
CEO t hat you are. What would those wishes be?

What are you willing t o do t o make the three wishes com e t rue?

What has been the most import ant t hing you’ve learned or perhaps relear ned—about being

Explain how an action research/inquiry cycle that incorporates the recommendations could be planned, implemented, and evaluated for the next phase of organizational improvement.


Summarize the case. Provide a synopsis of the case study, focusing on how communication problems and cultural misunderstandings created conflict in the organization.

Apply the four learning organization disciplines to the case.

Using the lens of one or more of the four core disciplines (personal mastery, mental models, team learning, shared vision), provide an analysis of the extent to which the discipline(s) reveals organizational dynamics and contributes either to organizational learning or to the organization’s problems.

How could the four disciplines be fostered to have a more beneficial impact on the organization?
Apply a systems lens to the case.

Analyze the organizational disabilities and systems archetypes present in the case.

Explain and map at least one example of a systems archetype that can be seen in the case. Include at least one systems map as part of your explanation.

Recommend change management strategies for the organization based on the case.

Prior to suggesting change management strategies, use critical thinking tools to identify assumptions the stakeholders in the case may have made, and develop a set of questions you would ask to help the stakeholders uncover their assumptions and clarify the steps needed for future progress. Reference Paul and Elder’s Critical Thinking: Tools for Taking Charge of Your Learning and Your Life text in your comments.

Describe and explain how the four-stage process could be used by the Riverbend leadership to improve the strategic planning processes that enhance cultural understanding among stakeholders and the community. Refer to Stroh’s Thinking for Social Change text.

Provide a set of specific practical recommendations about how the CEO should proceed in the future in a way that furthers the goals of supporting increased cultural understanding among stakeholders and the community.

Explain how an action research/inquiry cycle that incorporates the recommendations could be planned, implemented, and evaluated for the next phase of organizational improvement.

How to Harness the Potential of Your Organization’s Greatest Asset, Wiley, 2013.Which 2 workforce areas did you choose to present?

Data Analytics Assignment

Pease, Byerly, Fitz-enz. Human Capital Analytics: How to Harness the Potential of Your Organization’s Greatest Asset, Wiley, 2013.

Waters, Streets, McFarlane, Johnson-Murrary. The Practical Guide to HR Analytics: Using Data to Inform. Transform, and Empower HR Decisions, SHRM, 2018.

You are the HR Director for a firm. The firm currently uses data analytics in its supply chain and now the CEO has tasked you with coming up with two ideas for using analytics from a workforce perspective. You are expected to present your two ideas to the strategic leadership team to review.

Which 2 workforce areas did you choose to present? For each idea explain the:

1. Hypothesis/business question.

2. Leading indicator(s).

3. Business impact metrics.

Make certain you include an introduction and concluding paragraphs.

Cite course materials as well as external resources in developing your answer

Students are expected to use the information gleaned from lectures, readings, videos, and topic assignments when formulating each assignment. Materials referenced from outside sources (those sources you found on your own) are to be used as secondary sources only.

These are to be viewed as term papers. Number of pages will vary depending upon the assignment. A rule of thumb should be about 5-7 pages in length. You may include diagrams, charts, tables, etc. in any of the assignments to further explain your point. The assignments are to be submitted via Turn-It-In.

In what ways do you think the impact of digital networks has enabled networks of individuals and organizations to collaborate, share information, and request information? How has it become easier, and in what ways has it become more difficult?

When a memo gets you fired

After you have completed the readings,respond to the following questions:

1. Based on your readings, what do you think the fired engineer's intended message was? What did he do right, and what did he do wrong in conveying his message to his intended audience?

2. It has been argued that the fired engineer's memo was not intended to belittle women or minorities, but rather intended to encourage Google employees to take account of their own biases as a means of reducing the so-called gender gap in tech employment. Putting your own opinions aside, refer back to his memo, and cite examples where this viewpoint perhaps might be justified. Then explain in detail, referencing your citations from his memo, ways he could have changed his memo to communicate the intention of "reducing the gender gap in tech employment."

3. Many of the offensive statements made by the Google employee were based on opinion, rather than fact, such as "most women are biologically unsuited to working in tech because they were more focused on 'feelings and aesthetics than ideas' and had 'a stronger interest in people rather than things.'” In what ways could the employee have strengthened his memo to persuade his audience (whatever his intention might have been), using facts, rather than opinion?

4. Google has dealt with criticism that it has not done enough to hire and promote women and minorities.The fired employee simultaneously questioned Google's recruitment practices for a diverse workforce and argued that the reason there are not a lot of women in tech positions is not because they are being discriminated against, but because they do not want high-stress jobs, are more anxious, and crave more work-life balance than men. Google has long promoted a culture of openness, with employees allowed to question senior executives and even mock its strategy in internal forums. In what ways do you believe this memo crossed the line in also advancing harmful gender stereotypes even while criticizing Google's hiring practices?

5. In his response memo, Google’s CEO did say that portions of the memo had "violated the company’s code of conduct and crossed the line “by advancing harmful gender stereotypes in our workplace.” Your readings highlight some of the leadership lessons the CEO conveyed in the message of his memo. What do you believe were the most meaningful lessons he demonstrated as a leader? (You may want to cite not only your readings from this assignment, but also refer to Part 1 (Chapters 1-3) in "How to Win Friends and Influence People in the Digital Age").

6. Social media are digital media/channel combinations that empower stakeholders as participants in the communication process by allowing them to share content, revise content, respond to content, or contribute new content. Why do you believe that this complicates communication in the business context and in what ways is this memo an example of just how complicated things have become for companies?

7. Similarly, social media reduces the amount of control businesses have over the content and process of communication. Google has learned how to adapt their communication efforts to this new media landscape and to welcome customers’ participation. When memos like this go public, why is it so important for companies to respond appropriately for example on Twitter or Facebook?

8. Consider the memo as a product of Google's internal communication structure in welcoming input from employees. As noted above, it is important for companies to respond to the public if internal communications become public. How do you feel that social media has affected the business communication structure of Google in revolutionizing its internal communication processes and promoting the flow of ideas?

9. How do you think the internal communications processes in combination with recognizing the role of digital communications in the modern business environments has broken down traditional barriers in the organizational hierarchy (you may want to refer back to Chapters 5-7 from Business Essentials to fully answer the question).

10. In what ways do you think the impact of digital networks has enabled networks of individuals and organizations to collaborate, share information, and request information? How has it become easier, and in what ways has it become more difficult?