What is implied by this statement, a statement that should be obviously true, but apparently is not? Who counts as human? Whose lives count as lives?”

What’s Wrong With ‘All Lives Matter’?

How does all this communicate to black people that their lives don’t matter?

Perhaps we can think about the phrase “black lives
matter.”What is implied by this statement, a statement that should be obviously true, but apparently is not? Who counts as human? Whose lives count as lives?”

What is the organisations current purpose and how will this shift?Why is this change happening and why would the audience benefit?

Personal project challenge

What is the organisations current purpose and how will this shift?

Why is this change happening and why would the audience benefit?

What is the promise, the single minded proposition related to the project

What channels, methods and resources must be orchestrated to communicate this change creatively?

Why would the audience engage, take notice and care?

How might cultural differences impact your ability to communicate clearly and effectively with others? What can you do to ensure messages are clearly exchanged with others?

Large medical facility

You are working in a large medical facility. You work with several doctors and nurses from other cultures. How might cultural differences impact your ability to communicate clearly and effectively with others? What can you do to ensure messages are clearly exchanged with others?

Create a slide presentation about the ethical use of assessments and assessment data to identify learner strengths and needs to promote learner growth.

Ethical Use of Assessments

Create a slide presentation about the ethical use of assessments and assessment data to identify learner strengths and needs to promote learner growth.

Include the following in your presentation:

How to access and manage information

Appropriate uses of technology to support assessment practice

Appropriate uses of technology to engage learners and address learner needs

How to collaborate and communicate assessment results with different stakeholders

Laws relating to learners’ rights and teacher responsibilities

Professional expectations (i.e. codes of ethics, professional standards of practice, relevant law and policy, teacher responsibilities for promoting the ethical use of digital information and technology)