What is not covered is the child’s mental health and their ability to learn in their given environment:Discuss?

ESSA (Every Child Succeeds Act): Disconnect in Resources for Foster Children

Policy analysis on the disconnect between the ESSA policy and foster children.
A. Overview of the policy under analysis
B. Historical Analysis
C. Social Analysis
D. Political Analysis
E. Policy Evaluation

(n.d.). Educational Stability and the Every Student Succeeds Act. Child Welfare Information Gateway. Retrieved June 6, 2022, from https://www.childwelfare.gov/topics/systemwide/service-array/education-services/educational-stability/

Sciamanna, J. (2020). Educational Stability for Foster Students During COVID-19. John Sciamanna. Retrieved July 1, 2022, from https://www.cwla.org

ESSA (Every Child Succeeds Act): Not Enough Resources for Foster Children

ESSA is a policy that gives children from lower socioeconomical stand points a better advantage in the education system. However, for foster children there is a disconnect in resources. There is an extreme need for more counseling, tutoring and possible after school activities/tutoring. This is not included in the ESSA policy. It only covers the basic needs of the child’s education. What is not covered is the child’s mental health and their ability to learn in their given environment:Discuss?

How have we changed our focus from process in favor of results? Provide examples of how we have fared in embracing a model of prevention rather than a model of failure? What progress, if any, have we made in considering children with disabilities as general education children first?

Unit 8

Your final discussion board will involve evaluating the progress we’ve made toward the goals set by the President’s Commission on Excellence in Special Education after NCLB was passed in 2002.

As you’ve learned, NCLB has been revised and replaced by ESSA, Every Student Succeeds Act, which was passed by Congress in December of 2015.

In this final discussion board, like you to participate in a conversation regarding how we’ve addressed the 3 major recommendations on pages 8 and 9 of the report over the past 15 years.

1. Review the recommendations on pages 8 and 9 of the report.

2. View each of the Voice Thread presentations by your peers (the link is located in the Unit 8 Module) summarizing the original findings of the Commission on federal regulations and monitoring; assessment and identification; special education finance; accountability, flexibility and parental empowerment; post-secondary results for students with disabilities and effective transition services; teacher and administrator preparation, training and retention; and special education research and dissemination of information from Block 2 which are posted on Canvas.

3. Using information you’ve learned throughout this semester, evaluate the progress we’ve made toward those goals. How have we changed our focus from process in favor of results? Provide examples of how we have fared in embracing a model of prevention rather than a model of failure? What progress, if any, have we made in considering children with disabilities as general education children first?

4. To receive full credit (15 points) for this discussion board, you must address each of these questions with specific information obtained from the video presentations of your peers along with concrete examples from this course as you respond to the thoughts and ideas of your peers within the forum.