Why is this topic important from a global perspective Inform us why this is important in the field of business and management.

Cultural Diversity

In this assignment you will select a topic of interest about cultural diversity from any of the three texts for our class.

You will:

Submit an 7-8 page paper on the topic
Include at least 5 references
Tell us why this topic is important from a global perspective
Inform us why this is important in the field of business and management.
Offer your insight based on the experiences you have had.

The text to choose from are:
1.) Press, H. B. R. (2015). Hbr’s 10 Must Reads on Emotional Intelligence (with featured article “What Makes a Leader?” by Daniel Goleman)(Hbr’s 10 Must Reads). Harvard Business Review.

2.) Harvard Business Review Press. (2013). Hbr’s 10 must reads on teams.

3.)STORTI, C. (2001). The art of crossing cultures (2nd ed.). Intercultural Press.

Option 1 and 2 can be accessed electronically
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