What are the main subjects and themes of Rococo art? How do these differ from the Baroque art that we discussed in the previous module (hint: Christianity vs. worldly)? Cite ONE example to support your argument

Module 5

The Rococo style grew out of the late Baroque style in France and became popular among the French aristocrats who moved from Versailles to Paris after the death of Louis XIV. Neoclassicism then emerged as a stark contrast to Rococo tastes in support of the French Revolution. Respond to each of the following questions:

1.What are the main subjects and themes of Rococo art? How do these differ from the Baroque art that we discussed in the previous module (hint: Christianity vs. worldly)? Cite ONE example to support your argument

2. How did the style and ideals of Neoclassical artists such as Jacques-Louis David oppose those of the Rococo?

Compare and contrast one Rococo work of art to a Neoclassical work of art.

3.What are the major stylistic and iconographic differences?

Answer under each question.

 What is a “canon” and how does it relate to representation in art? Describe the canon of Egyptian art using at least one example. Why do you think the Egyptian canon remain unchanged for thousands of years?

Module 2

Choose one example of art or architecture from two of the early civilizations covered in this module to compare and contrast (e.g. Sumer, Akad, Egypt).

Be sure to address the following points/questions in your comparison.

Identify each work (title, culture of origin, date, medium) and describe the most notable formal and iconographic elements in each work.

What are some similarities and/or differences across the two cultures in terms of visual style and content?

Discuss the connection between the works of art and the emergence of religion, writing, political structures, or codes of law within that civilization.

How was each respective work related to one or more of these advancements? Do the works reflect similar or differing values across?

What is a “canon” and how does it relate to representation in art? Describe the canon of Egyptian art using at least one example. Why do you think the Egyptian canon remain unchanged for thousands of years?