Does it set the scene? Has a rationale been established? Has the approach to the report been set out?Are the references properly incorporated into the text? Is the bibliography set out in an appropriate way?

Does it set the scene? Has a rationale been established? Has the approach to the report been set out?)

Does the material appear to come from a variety of sources, demonstrating a range of research?

Are the references properly incorporated into the text? Is the bibliography set out in an appropriate way?

Is the material relevant? Is the material presented in a logical way with well-reasoned arguments and a coherent arrangement? Has additional material such as charts etc been provided to reinforce the text where appropriate? Are such charts properly cross-referenced in to the text?

Is the linked bar chart appropriate? Does it contain the critical path and the float?)

Does the report reach a sensible conclusion that takes into account all aspects of the topic? Is the conclusion substantiated?)

Is the document neatly presented? Is it word-processed & with title sheet, contents page, page numbering, paragraph headings, 1½ line spacing etc? Does it have a logical structure? Are there any grammatical &/or spelling errors? Has use of 1st person been avoided?)