Analyse and evaluate the effectiveness of the policies adopted by international iinstitutions towards the reduction of financial crime.Critically evaluate financial crime concepts and evidence from a range of sources.



Critically consider the UK’s approach towards tackling corporate financial crimes in light of the decision of the House of Lords in Tesco Supermarkets Limited v Nattrass [1971] UKHL 1.

Critically evaluate financial crime concepts and evidence from a range of sources.

Exercise significant judgement in a range of situations including the application of financial crime regulations to practical scenarios.

Analyse and evaluate the effectiveness of the policies adopted by international iinstitutions towards the reduction of financial crime.

Demonstrate confidence and flexibility, supported by critical analysis and judgement, when making decisions regarding complex problems in unfamiliar contexts by applying their acquired knowledge of Common Law, statutory rules and financial regulatory awareness.

What are the key concepts concerning statutory interpretation in the UK?

The questuin is (What are the key concepts concerning statutory interpretation in the UK)

-Aim to write 2-3 paragraphs

-Structure your writing around the concepts themselves, referring to sources to support your points

Have uploaded the sources, they are two:

1- Ghaidan vs. Godin-Mendoza [2004] UKHL 30

2- Van Zyl Smit, J. ‘The New Purposive Interpretation of Statutes: HRA section 3 after Ghaidan vs. Godin-Mendoza’ (2007) 70(2) MLR 294-317