What are phospholipids and what is their function in cells?Summarize the role and function of proteins in the body.

Summarize the role and function of carbohydrates in the body.
List a carbohydrate food example.
Identify the differences in simple and complex carbohydrates.
What are negative side effects to your body when too few carbohydrates are consumed?
What are negative side effects to your body when too many carbohydrates are consumed?
What is Galactosemia and discuss causes and symptoms.
Discuss the role of fiber as a carbohydrate and how it effects the body. Summarize the role and function of lipids in the body.
List a lipid food example.
What are the three main types of lipids?
What are the three types of fatty acids?
What is the difference between saturated and unsaturated fatty acids and provide examples of each?
Are Sterols lipids or fats?

What are phospholipids and what is their function in cells?Summarize the role and function of proteins in the body.
List a protein food example.
What is the basic unit of proteins?
What are negative side effects to your body when too little protein is consumed?
What are negative side effects to your body when too much protein is consumed?
How do proteins provide structural support for cells?
How are proteins associated with Alzheimer’s disease?

What are the monomers used to construct nucleic acids called?
What are nucleotides constructed of?
ATP is a very common nucleotide. Why is the bond between the second and third phosphates in ATP so important?
RNA is a nucleic acid. What is the major role of RNA?
DNA is a nucleic acid. What is the major role of DNA?
What are the nitrogenous bases in DNA?
What are the nitrogenous bases in RNA?

Why are RNA polymers much shorter than DNA strands?