What might you and the other person in your situation have done differently to avoid the ineffective communication or to correct it once it occurred?

Interpersonal communication situation

Analyze the selected interpersonal communication situation to determine the causes of, and to suggest possible solutions for, the ineffective communication. Divide your essay into five sections. Label these sections with the headings provided below:

Where and when did the communication take place? What happened? What is the nature of the relationship between the people involved (roommates, Parent/child, boss/employee)? Provide some exact details of the interaction. What was said/unsaid?

What nonverbals did you observe, etc.? Try not to analyze it yet. Just state the facts. You need not use real names of the participants (2 or 3 paragraphs) Why was the communication ineffective in this interaction?

What might you and the other person in your situation have done differently to avoid the ineffective communication or to correct it once it occurred?