Analyze the impact of Enlightenment ideas in Americas. Did the spread of this philosophy bring communities across the Atlantic together, or did it drive them apart?

World History Since 1500

Reach chapter 14 of Worlds Together Worlds Apart then answer the following questions.

Define the term Enlightenment as it pertained to Europe. How did Enlightenment ideas shape European attitudes towards other cultures?

Analyze the impact of Enlightenment ideas in Americas. Did the spread of this philosophy bring communities across the Atlantic together, or did it drive them apart?

Explain the processes that brought forth cultural syntheses in the three Islamic dynasties during this era. To what extent did European culture influence each empire?

Describe Chinese and Japanese cultural achievements during this period. How did foreign influences affect each dynasty?

Read Article “Why Europe?” then answer the following question.
Goldstone does not use the term scientific revolution in this selection, but he discusses a number of changes in European society, politics, and beliefs that might be called revolutionary. What are these changes? What would make them revolutionary changes? ls it a matter of how fast they occurred, how widespread they were, what impact they had, or how unusual or uniquely European they were? Which of these measures makes them more revolutionary?