Based on your experience and knowledge so far what advice would you give someone who wants to enter your career field?

Discussion: Career Development

Discussion about Career Development. (career field is Nursing)

After reading the Module 6 Overview and the video, in this final discussion  post a thread with your response to the following questions:

1)Share some examples of activities the Module 6 Overview and video mentions to be helpful in career development.

2)Also share some of the activities you have found to be helpful in career development.

3)Based on your experience and knowledge so far what advice would you give someone who wants to enter your career field?

Module 6 Overview:
Career Development is broken into the following stages. The goal of each module is to provide you with information on each stage and give you

Resources and assistance in developing career development skills.
-Self Concept

Personality, Interests

Skills, Values


Explore Careers/Jobs

Create Plan




This module focuses on Decide/Plan.