What is implied by this statement, a statement that should be obviously true, but apparently is not? Who counts as human? Whose lives count as lives?”

What’s Wrong With ‘All Lives Matter’?

How does all this communicate to black people that their lives don’t matter?

Perhaps we can think about the phrase “black lives
matter.”What is implied by this statement, a statement that should be obviously true, but apparently is not? Who counts as human? Whose lives count as lives?”

What is one representative or provocative or memorable quotes from the article, and why did you choose it? (Transcribe carefully and include the page number).

Which article are you discussing? (Include the title and/or author)
What is one of the author’s main arguments?

Why is the author making this argument? i.e. what’s at stake for the author?

What did you learn that you did not know?

What is one representative or provocative or memorable quotes from the article, and why did you choose it? (Transcribe carefully and include the page number).

Why do you think it is significant that a black actor was cast as the lead? Why does this stand out as a significant moment in the civil rights movement and in American film history?

Reflection Paper Guidelines #

Font: Use Times New Roman, with 1 inch margins, and font no bigger than “12.” Be sure to double space and cite.

Given that Night of the Living Dead came out in 1968, why do you think it is significant that a black actor was cast as the lead? Why does this stand out as a significant moment in the civil rights movement and in American film history?

Discuss the Mission of the Conference, Who participated, Why was it important to Germany, Italy, AND King Leopold II of Belgium? What was the The Plan and the Timetable for completion?

The scramble Africa 1800 -1885

Discuss the Mission of the Conference, Who participated, Why was it important to Germany, Italy, AND King Leopold II of Belgium? What was the The Plan and the Timetable for completion?

What theoretical frameworks have been used to explain what resistance is, how it functions, and where it can be located? What are the key areas of contention among historians, if any?


Discuss nature and meaning of resistance among enslaved Africans and African Americans in the United States.

African Americans who came of age in the South in the past two hundred years ago faced a world dominated by institutional and individual oppression such as slavery, Jim Crow, mob violence, political repression, and economic subordination.

Yet even in the darkest years the black experience was not without its points of resistance. Indeed, one of the dominant historiographical debates in the field of African-American history revolves around the question of resistance.

Write an essay in which you explain how historians have struggled to articulate the nature and meaning of resistance in both institutional and day-to-day settings.

What theoretical frameworks have been used to explain what resistance is, how it functions, and where it can be located? What are the key areas of contention among historians, if any?