Discuss the seeming dichotomy between biology and culture and how it relates to human evolution.This social aspect of human survival is extremely important today, but how did our social adaptations come to have such an outsized role, when compared to other animals? Or is biology still the major factor that dominates over social aspects of evolution?

Humans and our ancestors developed biological features through adaptation to environmental and reproductive factors, but human success and adaptation also relies heavily on acting as a group.

This social aspect of human survival is extremely important today, but how did our social adaptations come to have such an outsized role, when compared to other animals? Or is biology still the major factor that dominates over social aspects of evolution?

Discuss the seeming dichotomy between biology and culture and how it relates to human evolution.

Describe the form that each of these takes in Homo sapiens and what that says about our behavior, biology, or evolution. In other words, if an alien scientist were studying a human skeleton, what would they be able to tell about our diet, behavior, and locomotion?

2cThe traits used to distinguish between primate taxa are dental characteristics, behavioral adaptations, and locomotor adaptations.

Describe the form that each of these takes in Homo sapiens and what that says about our behavior, biology, or evolution. In other words, if an alien scientist were studying a human skeleton, what would they be able to tell about our diet, behavior, and locomotion?

Examine how the Iroquois were treated during the negotiation process. Were they treated fairly? Explain how this goes against the concept of democracy. When was it recognized that the Iroquois contributed to the founding of democracy? Discuss problems that still exist.

Reflection 3

Watch the following YouTube Video

Iroquois Confederacy: First Democracy of the Americas (22:20) at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u4_vwKyeG58


Write a 3-to-4-page reflective paper on the question, “Is democracy the best to govern?” Include supporting information from the video.

Use these questions and statements below as some guidelines for the reflective paper:

Give a brief history of the Iroquois confederacy. Explain what you think made it work.

Demonstrate how important it is to use holism when trying to set up a society and the way that society will be governed.

Discuss why the long house is such an important concept. What does it symbolize?

In addition, discuss what was so significant about the way they planted their main crops and what does that represent metaphorically?

Explain how the Iroquois passed down history and learning about their culture? Include why it is so important to hear this emic view and why language is important to this way of transmitting history.

Retell when the way of life for the Iroquois began to change and what type of changes this brought. Explore if you think language also changed as these changes occurred. Why would that be important?

Illustrate ways in which more gender equality might influence the decisions about conflict resolution. Discuss how gender roles were divided.

Examine how the Iroquois were treated during the negotiation process. Were they treated fairly? Explain how this goes against the concept of democracy. When was it recognized that the Iroquois contributed to the founding of democracy? Discuss problems that still exist.

In the video a point about conflict resolution comes about when they mention Lacrosse. Explain what significance that would have?

Describe the concept of “everyone has a gift” mentioned in the video.

Explore situations you see today that might benefit from these concepts being applied today.

Use the Lecture outlines and the reading to compare the similarities and differences of Marriage/ Families and Kinship across different societies. Industrial and Non-Industrial.


Reading response:

Prompt #1 on the document named assignment sheet.

Use the Lecture outlines and the reading to compare the similarities and differences of Marriage/ Families and Kinship across different societies. Industrial and Non-Industrial.


Why have the production of coca and the manufacture of cocaine created a health hazard in Bolivia?How has the cocaine trade disrupted village social organization in Bolivia?

1. List and describe the major effects of the cocaine trade on rural Bolivian life.

2. Why have the production of coca and the manufacture of cocaine created a health hazard in Bolivia?

3. Why has the cocaine trade benefited the Bolivian economy so little?

4. How has the cocaine trade disrupted village social organization in Bolivia?

Summarize the theory of evolution by means of natural selection. Be sure to include how Darwin used artificial selection and variations under domesticity to argue his, as well as the condition of survival of the fittest as the survival of that which fits in best. Does the theory of evolution raise more problems than it resolves? If so, how?

Darwin’s theory of evolution-survival of the fittest


Summarize the theory of evolution by means of natural selection. Be sure to include how Darwin used artificial selection and variations under domesticity to argue his, as well as the condition of survival of the fittest as the survival of that which fits in best. Does the theory of evolution raise more problems than it resolves? If so, how?

What kind of cultural messages do we send to children by the way different professions are portrayed in the media, books, movies, and television?How can we help all children overcome stereotypes that may influence their educational performance?

What We Learn From 50 Years of Kids Drawing Scientists and Understanding Why Girls Underperform at Science

When you picture a scientist, what does that person look like?

When you were a child, how did you picture scientists?

What role does gender stereotyping play in the tendency for girls to grow up to be scientists?

How does this vary around the world?

What kind of cultural messages do we send to children by the way different professions are portrayed in the media, books, movies, and television?

How can we help all children overcome stereotypes that may influence their educational performance?

Who do Dominicanwomen consider beautiful? Is the norm closer to, or further from, white- ness or blackness?How are “Hispanic looks” conceptualized? What is the relationship between aesthetic preferences and social status?

The core questions guiding the elicitation were:

Who do Dominicanwomen consider beautiful? Is the norm closer to, or further from, white-
ness or blackness?

How are “Hispanic looks” conceptualized? What is the relationship between aesthetic preferences and social status?

What happens in the case of someone who is very
light but has “bad hair”?
How do contemporary Dominican women and girls look at pictures of African American women who look like
them and yet distance themselves from this similarity?

What is taking place when women at the salon identify with the women in the white hairstyles
book, and distance themselves adamantly from those in the African Ameri- can hairstyles book? Are they doing psychic violence to themselves?

How does this profession fit in with the larger cultural landscape and economy: What are the general prospects for this kind of work? Are the jobs easy or difficult to get? Can people in this profession make ends meet? What does looking at this profession say about the status of the entire economy?

Project 2: Making a Living

Who are you interviewing? How do they “make a living”? How do they participate in the United States economy (both formally and informally)?

What making a living entails: What activities are included in their job, from the basic tasks of an
ordinary workday to bigger requirements such as earning and maintaining a professional license?

How does this work impact the individual concerned: Do they get satisfaction from their work? Does it enable them to make the living they desire?

How does this profession fit in with the larger cultural landscape and economy: What are the general prospects for this kind of work? Are the jobs easy or difficult to get? Can people in this profession make ends meet? What does looking at this profession say about the status of the entire economy?