What are examples of objects that were originally housed in the Hagia Sophia?consider how monuments can be impacted by history?

Purposing of the Hagia Sophia since the days of Justinian

Let’s consider the re-purposing of the Hagia Sophia since the days of Justinian the following video as they discuss this structure’s history.

From Byzantine church to mosque to museum, how does this change our reading of this space?

Using an example of another structure, consider how monuments can be impacted by history?

What are examples of objects that were originally housed in the Hagia Sophia?

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KRPp3jzv1Tw

Discuss the roles played by the Classical style of Greece and Rome and the formalistic style of the East in the development of Byzantine art.

The Classical style of Greece and Rome

Discuss the roles played by the Classical style of Greece and Rome and the formalistic style of the East in the development of Byzantine art.

Complete responses should include examples to support statements made in the essay.

What is the angle, or the major idea bout the artist (or artwork) that you are exploring?

Artist’s life

For this project, students will research any Artist of their choice from the 1700s to the present. You will identify a specific idea that you want to focus on for this artist. Remember, this is not a ‘Biography’ paper – there needs to be a focus beyond just details of the Artist’s life and art. Make sure you are clearly identifying your theme in this proposal.
Write a draft introduction paragraph for your final paper that tells the reader what the paper is about (i.e. introduce your theme). Remember this is not a biography paper, so your introduction should go beyond “we will explore the art and life of X X artist.” What is the angle, or the major idea bout the artist (or artwork) that you are exploring?

Your introduction should be no less than four complete statements, but will likely be more than this.
Finally, you should list at three of the sources you plan to use to write your final paper.

These should be listed in APA format. Remember that Wikipedia it not a scholarly source – so do not include that

What would Green Architecture/building in your locale look like and how could it best function, what technologies could it utilize?

Green Architecture

Since man started creating permanent structures, architecture has conformed to the environment and technology of the time and place it was created. For a time, during the mid-20th century, it can be said that architecture deviated from this as new technologies allowed for architects to consider their buildings as art forms that existed for its own sake. They followed the dictum “form over function”. With the beginning of Postmodernism in Architecture (the first discipline to use the term), there was a return to, at least, the idea that architecture should serve, first and foremost the people that use it. Now, with dwindling natural resources, architects are again returning to the idea that architecture should strive to fit within its natural setting and use technologies appropriate to that setting. The “green” architecture movement, then, fits within a long tradition and takes it further. Many architects now are seeking the best ways to integrate their buildings into the environment, using new and old technologies to make the structures more energy efficient, more eco-friendly.

What renewable resources are readily available? What energy sources?

In a word document list some of the new (and old) technologies that allow architects to utilize Green Architecture. Be sure to challenge your assumptions and not default to common Green materials such as Trees?

In the same word document, list examples from the Neolithic to Modern age that have succeeded in working with a variety of Green materials. Research your findings well, and begin to question why “these” materials were used during the time period in which they were produced.

What would Green Architecture/building in your locale look like and how could it best function, what Technologies could it utilize?

Lastly, think about a Green Building that you would build. Problem solve, and thing about which renewable resources are readily available for you to build your structure, and what energy sources could you use or utilize?

Criteria: List (5) new and old Green architecture building materials. List (3) reasons why Green Architect during various times throughout history used the green materials that they had. List (3) local technologies that one could use to build Green Architecture locally. List (3) energy resources that could be used by you to build local Green Architecture.

What factors do you think need to be taken into consideration when considering whether an individual artwork or object should be returned to its place or origin?

For this paper, read the articles linked below as well as the articles included as attachments and watch the short video linked below.

These are selected from MANY newspaper, magazine, and academic articles about the issue (in addition to these, feel free to seek out others online).

They deal primarily with the British Museum, and issues surrounding the return of objects to Nigeria, Egypt, and Greece:

After reading these articles and watching the video clip, write a brief (400-500 word) response paper in which you address the following questions (and consider your answers carefully – these are complicated issues with little straightforward resolution):

-What are some of the arguments made for and against the return of artworks stolen or taken in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries?

Which arguments (for either side) do you find most convincing?

Is there anything that has been left out that you think needs to be considered?

-What factors do you think need to be taken into consideration when considering whether an individual artwork or object should be returned to its place or origin?

Are there some categories of artworks that it makes more sense to return than others?

Give specific examples from the sources (you don’t have to discuss EVERY source your read, but you should discuss more than one, certainly).