What type of evidence was discovered? Be sure to describe how the evidence supports the offense.Present your cases to the DA or prosecuting attorney for prosecution.

Child Abuse Case

Importantly, you have also enlisted important allies in law enforcement from other child advocacy groups realizing the importance of a community response to protect these children.

It is time to move forward towards completing a successful child abuse criminal investigation. In your most creative fictional sense, fill in the script with lessons learned by doing the following:

Preliminary Investigation advising your initial strategy. This must include the specifics for each type of offense and an offender(s) profile.

What agencies have you enlisted for help in your case. Explain your reasoning as to why they are important to your case.
Interview all the people of interest in proving your cases. This must include the alleged victims and suspects, not to forget any witnesses that can support your case. The interviews should consist of a minimum of 3-5 questions and answers for the people on the above list.

What type of evidence was discovered? Be sure to describe how the evidence supports the offense.
Present your cases to the DA or prosecuting attorney for prosecution. Make sure to present the suspect(s) and their subsequent offenses you want them charged with in a criminal court.

Advise your thoughts on the application of these cases to a Civil Court of Law.

Your final paper should be 6-8 pages (of content) in length in APA format and include a title page, in-text citations, and references. You should have a minimum of three credible sources to support your writing.


Discuss one of the Barriers within the profession as explained by Schafer. What is your assessment of that barrier?

For week six you have several readings (below is a list), all of which have a focus on leadership. Based on these readings and other research that may supplement these readings (not replace them), create a New Thread and answer the below items/questions Your response(s) should be in your own words. This means that you need to paraphrase, interpret, analyze, etc.

Discuss one of the Barriers within the profession as explained by Schafer. What is your assessment of that barrier?

Several leadership behaviors are discussed by Yukl. Select one of those behaviors that you feel is the most important, or near the top of the list. Discuss that behavior and explain your rationale for selecting it.

In the reading by Malos eight leadership theories are presented. Select one theory that you believe has little validity or legitimacy. Briefly discuss that theory and then explain why you made your selection.

Below are the required learning resources for this week.

Developing Effective Leadership in Policing: Perils, Pitfalls, and Paths Forward

Effective Leadership Behavior: What We Know and What Questions Need More Attention

Leader vs. Manager: What’s the Distinction?

The Most Important Leadership Theories

Traits and Skills Theories as the Nexus Between Leadership and Expertise: Reality or Fallacy?

Describe the differences between positive, presumptive, and tentative ID? Which methods of identification are the most reliable, and why? Which methods of positive identification are the most practical (efficient and cost effective)?

Week 6

1. Identify and discuss at least three difficulties associated with identifying bodies in mass disaster.

2. Identify and discuss at least two forensic specialists that may be needed to positively identify the decedent and how they can be used identify the individual. Be sure to explain when these specialists are most likely to be consulted.

3. Describe the differences between positive, presumptive, and tentative ID? Which methods of identification are the most reliable, and why? Which methods of positive identification are the most practical (efficient and cost effective)?

Answer each question independtly and put references after each if needed. THIS IS NOT A RESEARCH PAPER. EACH ANSWER SHOULD BE ABOUT 200 WORDS.

Identify and discuss the significance in establishing strong internal and external relationships to meet security operational objectives and provide examples of the individuals and groups with whom partnerships must be forged.

Preparing for a Speech Before a Security Professional Organization

Writing Assignment: After conducting the appropriate academic research using at least three different sources, write a speech that comprehensively addresses the following:

(1) Provide a “welcome” statement and a strong introduction describing to the audience the purpose of your speech.

(2) Identify and discuss the current operational and other challenges confronting security directors and possible solutions to those challenges.

(3) Identify and discuss in detail a security director’s various professional responsibilities in today’s world, including loss prevention, investigation, administrative, and managerial functions.

(4) Identify and discuss the critical skills required of a security director to fully succeed in protecting an organization’s assets.

(5) Identify and discuss the significance in establishing strong internal and external relationships to meet security operational objectives and provide examples of the individuals and groups with whom partnerships must be forged.

(6) Provide concluding remarks that summarize your presentation and close your speech with an invitation for the audience to participate in a question/answer discussion session.


Discuss how your theory may or contribute to the cause of your selected crime.Describe your selected offense as it is defined in the UCR.

Theory Paper

Review Chapter 2 and Part One offenses from the FBI Uniformed Crime Report.

For this assignment select a part one offense from the UCR. You are to then select a theory discussed in Chapter 3. want you to describe your selected offense as it is defined in the UCR. You are to then discuss how your theory may or contribute to the cause of your selected crime.

To support your papers position and your stance use the HFC library www.hfcc.edu/library to locate outside sources (articles or journals). You are to cite those sources in text and include a reference page at the conclusion of your paper. Also include what you believe are other contributing factors.

This assignment is to be completed in written essay format using Times New Roman 12pt font double spaced. At least 2 pages. This does not include you reference page.

Write a 3–4-page biography of the individual followed by an 11-14 page analysis of at least 3 theories that might be used to explain why the individual committed the crimes they committed.

In depth research on BTK

This paper will be on the BTK strangler (Dennis Raider), you will write a 3–4-page biography of the individual followed by an 11-14 page analysis of at least 3 theories that might be used to explain why the individual committed the crimes they committed.

Each theory must be explained in reference to the individual’s biography and must be greatly detailed. The project must use current APA style and appropriate headings are expected. The page count does not include the title page, abstract, reference section, or any extra material.

You must incorporate a Christian Worldview throughout your paper or have a specific section of your paper dedicated to Christian Worldview.

You must use a minimum of 15-20 recent, relevant, and academic (peer-reviewed journals preferred and professional journal allowed if used judiciously) sources with at least 1 source being the Bible and no more than 2 books.

The purpose of this assignment is to help you begin to think critically about real-world problems. Being able to dissect the motives of criminals and the policies that we rely on in society is important for the doctoral candidate.

This assignment will help you think through all the theories we have discussed in this course in order to select the most valuable and explanatory theories for the selected criminal or policy.

Write a no more than 300-word essay using the BLUF format that discusses where countering terrorism fits in the current US national security strategy compared to previous ones and describes the current US approach to countering terrorism. Make sure to include proper citations.

U.S. National Security Strategy

Write a no more than 300-word essay using the BLUF format that discusses where countering terrorism fits in the current US national security strategy compared to previous ones and describes the current US approach to countering terrorism. Make sure to include proper citations.

Write a 2- to 3-page paper about what you learned as an emergency manager and use examples to support your paper, using proper citations in APA style.

FEMA’s IS-100.C Certificate Course

For this assignment, you are to take and successfully complete FEMA’s Emergency Management Institute’s online course “IS-100.C: Introduction to Incident Command System (ICS 100).” As a value-added feature of HM500, you will receive a FEMA certificate upon successful completion of IS-100.C.

FEMA. (2018). IS-100.C: Introduction to the incident command system, ICS 100.

IMPORTANT: After successful completion of FEMA IS-100.C,  save your certificate and submit it in the Unit 1 Assignment Dropbox.

FEMA. (n.d.). How to open and save IS completion certificate.

Summary Paper

Once you have completed the certificate course, write a 2- to 3-page paper about what you learned as an emergency manager and use examples to support your paper, using proper citations in APA style.

Note: If you have already earned a FEMA IS-100.C certificate before the start of this course, complete one of the specialist FEMA IS-100 courses (i.e., ICS for Public Works).

Explain why you think the author’s conclusions are substantial (or not) based on what you’ve learned in the course.Describe what you have learned on this topic from the article as well as the other assigned sources and the conclusions you’ve drawn and on what basis (substantiate claims).

Data Collecting

The paper should be in the form of an essay. There should be an introductory paragraph that includes a thesis, body paragraphs that reflect the, and a concluding paragraph. Caution: follow instructions precisely. Veering from the instructions will result in a reduced grade.

Avoid flowery writing: straightforward, “plain vanilla” writing is preferred in the social sciences. See example paper. At most, only 1-2 short quotations from the article or course assignments should be used, if any, for a paper of this length.

do not use anecdotes or personal experiences as support: in the social sciences, anecdotes and personal experiences may be used as examples, but are not considered convincing themselves. Empirical support carries the most weight. For this paper, empirical support comes from the textbook and other assignments from class: no additional research on the part of the student is warranted for this short paper assignment.

Content of the Paper: Write a summary of the article Include in the first paragraph, the title, author, and please introduce the topic. Provide an overview of the main points. Be sure that what you write is an accurate reflection of the author’s main points and concepts studied this semester.

Include relevant psychological vocabulary Describe the author’s point of view on the topic and explain the basis for this view. ensure you have astatement. Write a comparative analysis of the topic.  do so in such a way that critical thinking is demonstrated.

Describe what you have learned on this topic from the article as well as the other assigned sources and the conclusions you’ve drawn and on what basis (substantiate claims).

Explain why you think the author’s conclusions are substantial (or not) based on what you’ve learned in the course.

Conclusion: generate additional questions about the topic based on what you’ve read and learned from the article and coursework. Questions should suggest areas for further research in the field of psychology and/or on the part of the student who wants to know more. The Article is

Compare and contrast criminal conspiracy and criminal solicitation. Do you support the concept of inchoate crimes, or should these crimes be deemed unconstitutional? provide at least two (2) reasons to support your position.  be specific, and be sure to support your comments with credible research, which may include information from the class textbook, Internet or the KU Library.

Unit 3 DQ: Inchoate Crimes (Graded)

Compare and contrast criminal conspiracy and criminal solicitation. Do you support the concept of inchoate crimes, or should these crimes be deemed unconstitutional? provide at least two (2) reasons to support your position.  be specific, and be sure to support your comments with credible research, which may include information from the class textbook, Internet or the KU Library.