Define Theory & how it is useful for public administration.How could it be applied to practical management.What is the benefit/how would it work?

Theory X & Y

Define Theory & how it is useful for public administration.

What is the benefit/how would it work?

How could it be applied to practical management.

Examples of theory being applied tie it back to public administration

Single spaced no indentation

What is it that you like? What is it that you dislike? Which particular component(s) of the theory have contributed to your feelings?

Name a theory that you like and find workable. What is it that you like? What is it that you dislike? Which particular component(s) of the theory have contributed to your feelings?

If you were going to describe the features of a theory that would be most useful for nursing, what would you say? What would the components of such a theory look like?

Discuss how your theory may or contribute to the cause of your selected crime.Describe your selected offense as it is defined in the UCR.

Theory Paper

Review Chapter 2 and Part One offenses from the FBI Uniformed Crime Report.

For this assignment select a part one offense from the UCR. You are to then select a theory discussed in Chapter 3. want you to describe your selected offense as it is defined in the UCR. You are to then discuss how your theory may or contribute to the cause of your selected crime.

To support your papers position and your stance use the HFC library to locate outside sources (articles or journals). You are to cite those sources in text and include a reference page at the conclusion of your paper. Also include what you believe are other contributing factors.

This assignment is to be completed in written essay format using Times New Roman 12pt font double spaced. At least 2 pages. This does not include you reference page.

What is the nurse’s role in that change?How did the process of change lead to QI in practice?What change theory helps explain the process that took place?

 Change Theory Written Assignment
Find a peer-reviewed article where evidence-based practice was used to institute change in the nursing profession.

Discuss which change theory lead to QI. Follow these steps to complete your assignments:

1. Summarize the article.

2. How did the process of change lead to QI in practice?

3. What is the nurse’s role in that change?

4. Research change theory.

5. What change theory helps explain the process that took place?

The body of the paper should range from 2 – 3 content pages.

A maximum of 4 pages will be assessed

Use at least one of the modules and describe how the module could be incorporated into the organization in preparation of a disaster. Provide at least 5 sourcse.

Emergency Response

Select a disaster and evalute the effectiveness of the preparedness and response to the event.

Based on your evaluation, think of an organizations with which you have experience and describe at least one of the module topics could be incorporated into the organization to enhance resilience, preparedness or actual response functions in the event of another disaster.

Basically, use the information from this class to evaluate the disaster response and how you would use those lessons to improve your facility.

In your evaluation, be sure to include the following:

Abstract of your research (You may do this in a memo format- treat it as if you are summarizing your research to quickly communicate to your boss)
Create a 30 minute presentation evaluating the selected disaster response.

Record yourself presenting the materials. (Upload in the Presentation Recording Link)

You must include your research and talking points in the notes section of the PowerPoint.

At a minimum, include the following:

Brief description of the disaster, including immediate and long term impacts.

Evaluation of the response (secondary issues, problems, strengths, weaknesses, lessons learned, regulatory changes, etc)

Using an specific organization (don't forget to explain what it is),

Evaluate potential disasters that could reasonably be expected int the organization

use at least one of the modules and describe how the module could be incorporated into the organization in preparation of a disaster.
Provide at least 5 sourcse.

This assignment should describe the organization, address how the theory we have covered in class is relevant, and your anticipated effect on the organization.

Identify and discuss which theory or theories of causation best describes this case. Offer your own analysis of the event.

Matthew Shepard Case Explained

The purpose of this assignment is to provide you with an opportunity to think about the theories of hate crime perpetration.

Matthew Shepherd Case explained.

In a maximum of 1 page, briefly summarize the Matthew Shepherd case and it’s final verdict using and citing reliant newspaper reports.

For the other 3 pages, identify and discuss which theory or theories of causation best describes this case. Offer your own analysis of the event.

Discuss two of the Barriers within the profession as explained by Schafer. What is your assessment of that barrier?

Issues in Criminal Justice

For week six you have several readings, all of which have a focus on leadership.

Based on these readings and other research that may supplement these readings (not replace them), create an essay which responds and answers the below questions Your response(s) should be in your own words. This means that you need to paraphrase, interpret, analyze, etc.

Use each question as it’s own header, and respond under the questions in an APA essay.

1. Discuss two of the Barriers within the profession as explained by Schafer. What is your assessment of that barrier?

2. Several leadership behaviors are discussed by Yukl. Select two of those behaviors that you feel is the most important, or near the top of the list. Discuss that behavior and explain your rationale for selecting it.

3. In the reading by Malos eight leadership theories are presented. Select two theories that you believe has little validity or legitimacy. Briefly discuss that theory and then explain why you made your selection.


Incorporating references into your analysis is key to demonstrating what you are learning in the course and how it helped shaped your analysis in the essay process.

Format Requirements

• Paper must be double spaced, 11 or 12 pt font and 1” margins all around.

• All APA 7th edition format requirements must be followed (cover page, in text citations, reference page).

Describe which nursing conceptual model would be appropriate for research into this problem and why.

Theory, Research, and Practice

In this assignment, you will write a paper that analyzes a scenario and considers the relationships between theory, research, and practice in evidence-based research.

Step 1: Read the following scenario.

During the course of your practice as a staff nurse on a medical-surgical unit, the nurse manager and unit-based council state that discharge teaching for postoperative patients will now include information pertaining to wound assessments, care, and dressing changes (as needed).

The basis for this change stemmed from the unit consensus about postoperative readmissions with wound infections.

The unit-based council performed a review of the literature and has decided to implement a discharge teaching plan that will include specific information addressing wound care.

Step 2: Identify one research article pertaining to this problem.

The article must be from nursing research from the United States and be published within the last five years in a peer-reviewed journal.

Suggestions for finding an article include use of the library and journal articles posted to the Internet.

Step 3: Review aspects of theories and conceptual models.

Consider the various aspects of a theory and nursing conceptual models.

Consider the purpose of research and how theory and research work together to support evidence-based practice.

Think of how theory and nursing conceptual models could be used to reflect on the problem in nursing practice described in Step 1.

Step 4: Write a two-page paper.

Write a paper that analyzes the importance of theory, research findings, and practice as it relates to evidence-based research.

Then, using the scenario from Step 1 and the article you identified in Step 2, summarize how the aspects of a theory would help support evidence-based research into the problem described in the scenario.

Also, describe which nursing conceptual model would be appropriate for research into this problem and why.

Construct your paper and cite any sources in APA format.

How do the academic institutions have attended fit within larger social and political forces operating in society?

Social theory

One goal of social Theory is to illuminate connections between our individual experience and social processes.  would like you to do is to write an essay that shows how to apply some of the sociological theories we have learned this semester to analyze social forces and processes affecting and affected by your goal of earning a college degree . We’ve encountered lots of ideas about how social forces operate in society. This is your opportunity to show that you can apply sociological insights to make sense of how what and why you study in college affects and is affected by social processes large and small.

In the spirit of multiperspectival theorizing,Use three different sociological theorists to illuminate potential connections between your experiences seeking a college degree and the larger social processes that have been unfolding around you (in the past and/or the present).

What social processes would each theorist highlight? Be sure to pay attention to what the theorist would have to say about social influences unfolding at the micro- and macro-level.

Choose one theorist from each of the three groups listed below and present how she or he would tend to view social influences affecting and affected by your pursuit of a college degree. Some questions that might be relevant to your thinking about this are:

What social forces shape the content of my studies?

How do the academic institutions have attended fit within larger social and political forces operating in society?

How might what  have or am studying affect my own psychological processes and/or relationships with others?

Who benefits from the the way higher education is organized?

Who is hurt by this organization? These are just questions to get you thinking about how some of the theorists in the lists below might analyze your experience as a learner in this environment.

There are many others that may occur to you…just use the ones that you find most appropriate to each theorist you choose to write about.

Draw upon what we have covered in our discussions, the readings, and the posted instructor’s comments. Be sure to properly cite any quoted and/or paraphrased material drawn from these sources. There is no need to bring in additional sources.

USE theorist from EACH of the following groups (your essay will thus cover three theorists):

Patricia Hill Collins

Harriet Martineau

Dorothy Smith

you need to write about the perspectives of ONE theorist from EACH group. Every semester, someone makes the mistake of writing about three theorists from the same group… don’t let this be you.

Focus your argument to ensure that your answer does not exceed 1200 words (about five double-spaced pages using 12 point font). make sure to maintain the paragraph formatting when you enter your answer.