How could creative and innovative education serve as a bridge between approaching “tough topics” and silence and/or traditional methods? What challenges do you foresee? How could we overcome these challenges?


What is creative and innovative education? Explore the MACIE: Master of Arts in Creative & Innovative Education blog ( and conduct your own research to learn more.

Read the Fostering a Creativity Mindset for Teaching (and Learning) by Mia O’Brien (pdf attached). List at least 3 key points worth remembering and/or sharing with others.describe in details why those two key points are important to you.

How could creative and innovative education serve as a bridge between approaching “tough topics” and silence and/or traditional methods? What challenges do you foresee? How could we overcome these challenges?

What are your thoughts about the material on the media and movies during the civil rights era?


This week we will focus on the impact and struggles of African/Black people in the media and in contemporary and historic movies. Review the materials in the content about the role of African-American people in the media and movies and watch all of the videos.

Then google search of your favorite Black/African media personality and movie/shows or Netflix or Hulu on Black/African history/culture or politics and compare and contrast the representation of African/Black people.

Using this forum answer the following questions:

1. What are your thoughts about the material on the media and movies during the civil rights era?

2. Identify what media personality and movies or shows that you choose and why you choose them?

3. What are the similarities and differences between the representation in these two sets of material?

Ammianus Marcellinus

For this paper on Amminaus Marcellinus, you will read the entire text and answer the questions below. Give sub-headings in your paper so that know which question you are answering in that section.

Your paper must be five pages (5) in length, 1.5 spacing, 12 point Times New Roman font. You do not need to use outside sources, but if you do, make sure you cite them fully and properly. In fact, all sources should be cited fully and properly using footnotes in the Chicago Manual of Style format.

Answer all three questions:

1. What is Ammianus’ attitude towards the Roman Empire?

2. To what extent does Ammianus see the emperor’s character influencing the fortunes of the Empire?

3. How much does Ammianus see the armies as political actors? Explain.

Compare and contrast Thomas Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence with Thomas Paine’s pamphlet “Common Sense.” Which had the greater effect on revolutionary America? Are these documents still effective today?

Declaration of Independence and Thomas Paine’s pamphlet “Common Sense.”

Compare and contrast Thomas Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence with Thomas Paine’s pamphlet “Common Sense.” Which had the greater effect on revolutionary America? Are these documents still effective today?

-3-4 pages; paper must include a statement.

-Use specific examples to support your argument and cite all sources carefully.

-This is not a summary of the two primary source documents, but an analysis of their similarities, differences, and effectiveness. Make sure to show thought and analysis throughout the paper

How? If not, why not? Did Bauer and Patt’s articles illuminate any aspects of the film in particular?

Holocaust DP camps immigration

After viewing the film The Illegals and reading this week’s assigned secondary source readings,consider to what extent the film conveys realistically (in your view) the plight of Jewish survivors in post-war Europe and beyond, as portrayed to some extent in the readings you’ve completed this week and in the past few weeks (and perhaps especially last week).

Do you think the film captured, metaphorically or literally, the ways in which Jews conceived of their own experiences of survival and their path to a homeland after the war?

If so, how? If not, why not? Did Bauer and Patt’s articles illuminate any aspects of the film in particular?

Post your initial response of 5-7 paragraphs (plus citations of the text/film)

Included a short web resource from Yad Vashem with further background information about The Illegals and how it was made – in the covering comments for the module,  also linked up to Simone Gigliotti’s very interesting lecture on the film, which considers it against other film narratives. Some of you may have also read Leon Uris’s Exodus, which relates similar themes.

At times, the sound on the film is quite challenging – the Closed Captioning is not too bad, though as you will see, it sometimes gets the transcription wrong. But you should be able to get the gist!

Primary Source Reading

Film: The Illegals, directed by Meyer Levin for Americans for Haganah

Click link to open resource.

TFB, “How Displaced Jews get to Palestine,” New York Times, July 15, 1948: (link updated 19 July 2019)

JTA, “Americans for Haganah”: (link updated 19 July)

Film Review, “The Illegals” – (not required)

Secondary source readings attached

Select a significant moment or scene in the documentary that engages directly with historically useful information:Which elements of film form help convey this information in a powerful way?

Assignment Instructions

The goal of this assignment is to assess your ability to produce a coherent synthesis of how different aspects of film content and film form connect to what we are learning in class about historical representation through documentary film.
For Film Analysis # 2 your object of analysis is the documentary 500 Years: Life in Resistance (Pamela Yates, 2017).
Assignment due date: Monday, July 19, noon

Assignment Value: 15%

Evaluation Criteria:
• Write a clear, organized, and coherent text of approximately 500-600 words.

• Your analysis and interpretation of the film content should show familiarity with the whole film, as well as an ability to engage in detail with a specific part of the film and integrate cinematographic scale (brief explanation).

• It is essential that you synthesize in what ways this documentary serves as a vehicle for historical knowledge.

• When referring to the film content, you may refer to situations and information learned through the film, but you should also incorporate what you have learned about documentary film.

• When referring to aspects of film form, it is important to use the correct terminology, and to offer a very detailed description.


As preparation for writing, you will need to watch the film more than once, and take notes as you watch it. Try to answer these questions:

On first viewing:
Where does the film take place?
Who are the people who are given a voice?
What did you learn through this documentary?
What are the time frames in which the different events documented occur? -Why is it a documentary and not a narrative film?

On second viewing:
Select a significant moment or scene in the documentary that engages directly with historically useful information
Which elements of film form help convey this information in a powerful way?

At the writing stage:
-Incorporate relevant information from your notes
1 Assignment Submission:

• The assignment is due on Monday, July 19, at noon. Late assignments will not be accepted

. • The assignment needs to be submitted on Moodle: Click on Film Analysis # 2, then click on “Add submission”, and submit your file.

• Assignments must be in PDF format, typed, Times New Roman, 12-pt font, and double-spaced with page numbers.

• Writing a clear, organized, and coherent text is an important skill. You also need to familiarize yourself with the conventions of academic writing. refer to the “Writing Tips for Film Analysis” slides shared through Moodle.

• At the end of your document, indicate your word count, and whether you will require written feedback.

• File naming convention: LastName_FirstName_Film Analysis 2.pdf
Example: Rozsa_Irene_Film Analysis 2.pdf

Refer to the full Assignment Submission Policy and Late Assignment Policy described in the course outline.

What did you learn about the field of education from this movie? What messages are explicit and what messages are implied?

Images of Education in Media

Directions: Complete the tasks below for the online class.

1) Watch the movie Freedom Writers (122:57 min.). Feel free to watch with classmates and chip in on the rental as needed (e.g., Amazon, Netflix, On-demand, Red Box, GSU or local library, etc.).

• How are the characters (e.g. students, teachers, administrators, counselors, parents, etc.) portrayed? DO NOT ONLY FOCUS ON ONE OR TWO- Focus on as many characters as you can!

• How is the setting depicted?

• What dilemmas are faced?

• What are the dominant voices in this clip? What voices are missing?

• How does this movie compare to your own personal experiences?

2. What did you learn about the field of education from this movie? What messages are explicit and what messages are implied?

3. Conduct a search about the film Freedom Writers. What do critics say about the film? Find at least one review and/or analysis that discusses stereotypes, negative messages, etc.

List at least 3 key points worth remembering and/or sharing with others from the text you explored. Be sure to cite your source. remember to reflect/elaborate on those key points.

4. Read the Overarching Patterns in Media Coverage of Education Issues by Moira O’Neil (pdf attached in iCollege folder).

List at least 3 key points worth remembering and/or sharing with others. P remember to reflect/elaborate on those key points.

How did Luther’s stand at the Diet of Worms encourage political and social rebellion? Why did his individual struggle have such European wide ramifications?


Part 1: in 100 words: why couldn’t Luther just go along with tradition and obey the church authority?

Part 2: in 100 words: how did Luther’s stand at the Diet of Worms encourage political and social rebellion? Why did his individual struggle have such European wide ramifications?

Part 3: in 100 words: why was Charles V’s control of such a large empire a mixed blessing?

Part 4: in a 100 words: how did the printing press and visual culture help spread Protestant ideas?

Part 5: reply to this discussion board in 50 words: “In Spain the king was Charles the 5th, he was chosen to be the king of the new world. Additionally Charles the 5th was also appointed as the emperor for the Holy Roman Empire.

He ruled over such a large empire. He came from a family who was all very religious Christians and he knew that he wanted to continue that heritage.

Most of the lands he ruled over had many different issues that he had to deal with.

The Romans became in danger when the Ottoman Empire took away Hungary because it was very close to their lands.

Because he had so much power it was difficult for him to control all of it Charles the 5th left in the year 1529 and never came back.”