What is the general topic of the article, chapter or reading selection?Identify two words and their definition that you were unfamiliar with prior to reading the article, chapter or reading selection.

The courts

1. What is the general topic of the article, chapter or reading selection?

2.Summarize the article, chapter or reading selection:

3.What is the main argument or point of the article, chapter or reading selection? What did the author(s) want to get
across in the reading?

4.Discuss at least one main point or part of the article, chapter or reading selection that supports their argument.

5.Identify two words and their definition that you were unfamiliar with prior to reading the article, chapter or reading

Discuss how GLBA and HIPAA requirements align with information systems security.Discuss two privacy data elements for GBLA and two privacy data elements for HIPPA that are under compliance.

In this discussion, you will identify the similarities and differences of GLBA and HIPAA compliance laws, you will explain how the requirements of GLBA and HIPAA align with information systems security, you will identify privacy data elements for each, and you will describe security controls and countermeasures that support each.

Discuss how GLBA and HIPAA requirements align with information systems security.

Discuss two privacy data elements for GBLA and two privacy data elements for HIPPA that are under compliance.

Discuss what the GLBA and HIPAA privacy rules have in common.

Discuss how the two are different.


Discuss defining factors regarding the competitive bidding process and its survival or failure in the health care arena regarding the implementation of Universal Health Care. Support your position with real-world examples or scenarios.

week 3 discussion questions

 Respond to the following:

Assess whether competitive bidding has remained a viable alternative to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act that was implemented in 2014.

Discuss defining factors regarding the competitive bidding process and its survival or failure in the health care arena regarding the implementation of Universal Health Care. Support your position with real-world examples or scenarios.

Respond to my classmates Josette response below :

Hello Class!

Competitive bidding is where contractors submit a bid, like seal bidding, with their most reasonable, competitive price in order to win a contract award. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act that was implemented in 2014 provides rights and protections to make health care more affordable and understandable

(1). Competitive bidding is a viable alternative to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act when the suppliers are competing for their product at the most reasonable price possible.

Defining factors regarding the competitive bidding process and its survival or failure in the health care arena regarding the implementation of Universal Health Care are that suppliers must submit bid prices in the amount that is willing to be accepted as payment

(2). Then the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) enters a contract with the durable medical equipment (DME) at the price that has been determined by the competitive bid

(2). With a set fee schedule the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services pays the qualified supplier based on their pricing.have a relative that was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes.

There are various blood glucose monitors in the market, however only a few are covered by Medicaid. With competitive bidding, all the various blood glucose monitor suppliers will compete to get their product in the market and try to dominate the market that theirs has the best technology and safety.

With the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act making it more affordable, it eliminates the competition between suppliers and overall, they will have a flat price and the government and tax payers will have to pay into the bucket to make it affordable.


1. Healthcare.gov. Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. https://www.healthcare.gov/glossary/patient-protection-and-affordable-care-act/

2. U.S. Government Accountability Office. May 31, 2011. Medicare: Issues for Manufacturer-Level Competitive Bidding for Durable Medical Equipment. http://www.gao.gov/new.items/d11337r.pdf

Write a Request for Proposal (RFP) that includes ethical guidelines that minimize the risks of unethical contracting practices, and is in compliance with federal guidelines on fraud, fair contracting and contract-related public policies.

Draft Request for Proposal (RFP)

Draft Request for Proposal (RFP)

Note: The assignments in this course are a series of papers that build on one another. see the first assignment file/upload e\attachment below “Code of conduct assessment”,

Imagine your agency is ready to solicit bids for a new project. You are tasked with drafting a Request for Proposal (RFP) that will appeal to the new contracting firm you outlined in the previous assignment. Note: You may create and/or assume all necessary assumptions needed for the completion of this assignment. You must review FAR before you draft the RFP:

• Using Access the Federal Acquisition Regulation, review the following areas:

o Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR): Subpart 15.3 – Source Selection;

o FAR: 15.203, 15.204, 15.205, 15.206, 15.209, and 15.304 (preparing and issuing requests for proposals and amendments thereto);

o FAR: 15.207 and 15.208 (submitting, receiving, handling, modifying, and revising proposals).

Write a 6 page RFP Sections paper in which you:

1 Apply the appropriate FAR clauses to meet compliance in contract formulation and award.

2. Incorporate your knowledge of Government Accountability Office reports/decisions to identify FAR compliance issues and contributing factors.

3. Include ethical guidelines that minimize the risks and consequences of unethical contracting practices and ensure compliance with federal guidelines on fraud, fair contracting, and contract-related public policies.

4. Suggest planned actions in soliciting and awarding contracts and ensuring that the government agency is in compliance with the FAR requirements.

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information,  refer to the Strayer

Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

• Write a Request for Proposal (RFP) that includes ethical guidelines that minimize the risks of unethical contracting practices, and is in compliance with federal guidelines on fraud, fair contracting and contract-related public policies.

See the attached Code of Conduce assessment

Discuss both the positive and negative aspects as it relates to both parties concerning the Mutual Exchange of Evidence,

“Ten Pages of Content or longer-term paper with proper accreditation addressing:
Florida’s Construction defect statute F.S. 558.001 and the balance of chapter 558 which became effective on May 27, 2003, has caused considerable confusion among construction practitioners and contractors relating to its procedure and enforcement.

This statute dramatically altered the industry in the litigation of construction defect claims by requiring homeowners to provide contractors and other allegedly responsible parties with prior written notice and an opportunity to cure the alleged defects prior to filing a lawsuit.

Furnish a summary of the obligations, responsibilities, and time limitations imposed on the parties required to serve notice of the defect and those parties receiving notice of the defect.

Discuss both the positive and negative aspects as it relates to both parties concerning the Mutual Exchange of Evidence, the Right to Inspect the Property, Destructive Testing, the Contractor’s Failure to Take Any Action, the Contractor’s Failure to Honor an Agreement to Make Repairs, and the time limits to complete promised repairs.

Finally, provide a conclusion regarding the effectiveness of this statute and its benefits if any, to the construction industry and the homeowner.”

This paper is due July 26th.