Explain two challenges you foresee for weight loss in your future patients.Discuss at least three ways you will aid patients in weight loss goals.

Understanding Fat Formation and Metabolism

Assess all the challenges to losing weight, including food security, environment, education, metabolism, genetics, etc. Include the following in your assessment:

Explain two challenges you foresee for weight loss in your future patients.

Discuss at least three ways you will aid patients in weight loss goals. Consider these factors:
Realistic goals
When to refer
Who to refer to
Resources available (i.e., community and online programs)
Encouragement of positive behavior change

“What do you want us to learn about nutrition? What makes nutrition topic interesting? Why is it important/useful/necessary that we learn about it?

 Writer the topic is nutrition
include and outline for the speech thank you
Speech has to be 5 min long

An informative speech’s goal is to educate or enlighten the audience about a topic. The questions for this speech are: “What do you want us to learn about nutrition? What makes nutrition topic interesting? Why is it important/useful/necessary that we learn about it?

What are some areas of your diet where you feel you are on target and doing well?What are some diet areas that you may wish to address?

 Provide a 250 word narrative (approximately one page) in the space at the bottom of the template using the info provided below.

What are some areas of your diet where you feel you are on target and doing well?

What are some diet areas that you may wish to address?

Identify some foods, caloric intakes, or any other area you have assessed as part of the answer.

Then provide some advice to yourself by way of recommendations.5.) Provide at least three specific recommendations for moving forward.

DRI Calculator https://www.nal.usda.gov/human-nutrition-and-food-safety/dri-calculator

Explain how the foods you consume are contributing positively or negatively to your diet and health, highlighting at least 2 specific examples.

Explain how the foods you consume are contributing positively or negatively to your diet and health, highlighting at least 2 specific examples.

Demonstrate your understanding of the connection between your chosen food and resulting health consequences.

Discuss the likelihood and ease of actually making the suggested changes noted in the above table. Explain your answer.

If you don’t need to make changes because you met the requirements, be sure you completely filled out the table above and discuss here what you are doing right to meet your nutritional needs.

What is the normal/healthy lab value range for this lab test?Is there an alternative lab test? What are the limitations of using only the alternative test?

Choose ONE of the below biochemical tests OR conditions that a biochemical test is used for
Considering your chosen biochemical test or condition, answer the following questions:
A. suspected pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes

What is an ideal lab test to use in this situation?

What is it a measure of?

Why is it considered ideal in this case?

Is there an alternative lab test? What are the limitations of using only the alternative test?

What is the normal/healthy lab value range for this lab test?

B. serum ferritin

What is the normal/healthy lab range for ferritin?

What is this lab test commonly used to detect or rule out? (What condition does ferritin test for?)

Why is it considered to be such a specified lab test to identify this condition?

What are some “typical” causes that may contribute to a low or high range?

What are alternative lab tests that can be used?


Identify essential dietary guidelines for the athlete including daily protein requirements, carbohydrate requirements, and carbohydrate requirements following heavy exertion (glycogen repletion).

Using your textbook and the USDA resources linked in the Study Materials, identify key nutrient needs for infants and toddlers. Then identify the components of nutrition within the WIC program food package.

Identify essential dietary guidelines for the athlete including daily protein requirements, carbohydrate requirements, and carbohydrate requirements following heavy exertion (glycogen repletion).

After reading the article Carbohydrate Nutrition and Team Sport Performance, answer the following: In a time when many people fear carbohydrates, what would you give as the best arguments to encourage athletes to consume carbohydrates?

USDA resources https://www.nutrition.gov/topics/nutrition-life-stage/infants
USDA resources #2***https://www.fns.usda.gov/wic/fr-030414
chapter 12 is included in attachment from the text book-
Zimmerman, M.,& Snow, B. (2012). An Introduction to nutrition.

What dietary alternatives could be incorporated to overcome the dietary restrictions?Explain how the restrictions could make it difficult for an individual to achieve a healthy diet.

Factors affecting nutritional intake

Explain what nutrition is and why it is important.

Describe the characteristics of a healthy diet and provide supporting examples.

Identify at least two (2) factors (other than culture) that can impact a person’s food choices and provide a specific example for each.

Research a culture (e.g., ethnic, religious, dietary) where specific food restrictions are dictated and address the following:

Describe the restrictions.

Explain how the restrictions could make it difficult for an individual to achieve a healthy diet.

What dietary alternatives could be incorporated to overcome the dietary restrictions?

How do know if a source is credible?

What hazards/adverse effects might be associated with the use of this product? Are there any conditions (e.g., medical, age-related) that would contraindicate the use of the product?

Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

MUST EVALUATE this advertisement: https://www.bragg.com/collections/apple-cider-vinegar/products/organic-apple-cider-vinegar?variant=39436558434400

 Critically evaluating the product, consider the following questions, if appropriate, but do not limit your critique to only these questions:

Is the use of this product supported by scientific evidence? If so, are there any conflicting results among various studies? Do the subjects’ age, health condition, fitness level, etc. match those for whom the ad is directed? Were there limitations and/or flaws in these studies? Describe the studies,as appropriate, to defend your statements and give evidence for or against the claims made in the ad.

What, if any, contribution would the consumption or use of the product make to the nutrient intake,physique, or fitness level of the intended consumer?

Could some less expensive product be used to obtain the same results?

What hazards/adverse effects might be associated with the use of this product? Are there any conditions (e.g., medical, age-related) that would contraindicate the use of the product?

When critically evaluating the advertisement, comment on the text, and use of color and graphics.

Who appears to be the intended consumer?

What techniques are used to draw the attention of the reader? Are they successful or not? Again,

consider wording, terminology, graphics and more.

Is the ad straightforward and factual? Explain.

Is any important information omitted that should be disclosed to the consumer?

What gimmicks are used to sell the product? Were the gimmicks successful