Does a leader who can correct the course and manage change as discussed in Peak Performers make him/her a Transformational Leader (I/O Psych, p.451)? Is this the best type of leadership regardless of industry, company, etc.?

Transformational Leadership

Aamodt, M. G. (2016). Industrial/Organizational Psychology: An applied approach (8th Edition). Pacific Grove, CA: Wadsworth Publishing.

Garfield, C. (1987). Peak Performers: The New Heroes of American Business. New York, NY: Garfield Enterprise

Does a leader who can correct the course and manage change as discussed in Peak Performers make him/her a Transformational Leader (I/O Psych, p.451)? Is this the best type of leadership regardless of industry, company, etc.?

Explain the reliability and validity of the screening tool.Explore differential diagnoses and necessary work-up


Research the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9)

• Explain the reliability and validity of the screening tool

• Utilize the tool to describe a mental health case study of a patient (in a clinic setting/or created) with a diagnosis of depression and/or anxiety

• Explore differential diagnoses and necessary work-up

What is the most commonly accepted explanation of why most people are slower on incongruent trials than on congruent trials in the Stroop task?

Stroop Effect

Discuss your experience (was it challenging? how do you feel you did?) and your results (provide the actual results, describe the results and compare to others in the MTSU group and global community).

Then answer the following questions:

Look at your individual data. Were you faster on congruent trials or incongruent trials? Does this surprise you? Why or why not?

What is the most commonly accepted explanation of why most people are slower on incongruent trials than on congruent trials in the Stroop task?

What strategy could one use to overcome the Stroop Effect observed in this demonstration?

Explain what courses in the program are going to give you the skills you need to succeed in that job; d) Explain what you need to personally do to ensure you gain the skills in those courses.

Power Point Presentation

Identify volunteer opportunities related to the field you are pursuing that would help you confirm the field is right for you.

Career Search Information – a) Find a job description for your ideal or “dream” job on or another job site; b) Compare the job description of the job to the program of study you are in; c) Explain what courses in the program are going to give you the skills you need to succeed in that job; d) Explain what you need to personally do to ensure you gain the skills in those courses.

Identify the independent and dependent variables of the research articles, briefly describe the method used in each of the studies,

Identify the independent and dependent variables of the research articles,
briefly describe the method used in each of the studies,

Identify the measurement and experimental operational definitions (i.e.,

identify how the researchers operationalized the independent and dependent variable) for each of the articles,

Describe the results and conclusions. If one of your articles has more than one study, you only need to summarize the study that is the most relevant to your hypothesis.

Create these items using infographics ( or video ( If you would like to use a different media source, email your Instructor first for permission.


For this assignment you will be able to create an infographic or video presentation.

1. Select one of the topics below.

Structures of the Pulmonary System, (Chapter 28, p. 655)

Functions of the Pulmonary System, (Chapter 28, p. 660)

Signs and Symptoms of Pulmonary Disease, (Chapter 29, p. 670)

Pulmonary Disorders, (Chapter 29, p. 676)

Table 29-1, Mechanism of Pleural Effusion, (Chapter 29, p. 676)

Table 29-2, Clinical Manifestations of Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease, (Chapter 29, p. 686)

Disorders of the Upper Airway, (Chapter 30, p. 697)

Obstructive Sleep Apnea, (Chapter 30, p. 700)

Explore the topic and gather the information needed to teach your fellow learners.

Create these items using infographics () or video (). If you would like to use a different media source, email your Instructor first for permission.