Cri-cally analyse various risk and value theories and techniques, demonstra-ng understanding of strengths, weaknesses, limita-ons and reserva-ons of such theories and techniques.

Quantity surveying risk management

1. Cri-cally analyse various risk and value theories and techniques, demonstra-ng
understanding of strengths, weaknesses, limita-ons and reserva-ons of such theories and

2. Evaluate the difference between the concepts of cost and value and the importance of the
cost/value rela-onship;

3. Develop and implement solu-ons to improve the effec-veness of risk and value management
of construc-on and property appraisal;

4. Evaluate performance and produc-vity processes and prac-ces in cost and value control of
construc-on and property ac-vity;

5. Cri-cally evaluate risks and uncertain-es associated with the appraisal of construc-on and
property developments.