Critically evaluate the design and efficacy of the intervention study and application of the theory to the intervention.

Critically evaluate the design and efficacy of the intervention study and application of the theory to the intervention.

Find one published paper from the literature that presents one Health Psychology intervention study.

The paper should present an intervention study where the intervention design is underpinned by Health Psychology theory and the target population must be have a chronic condition.

The intervention should aim to change any of the following: behaviour; beliefs; attitudes; knowledge; psychosocial outcomes; intentions; physical health. This paper needs to be published in a peer-reviewed journal. The intervention must focus on a chronically ill population.

Task: Critically evaluate the design and efficacy of the intervention study and application of the theory to the intervention.

want to attach a video that explains the assignment in detail but it won’t let me share it here, therefore, once the order has been through,  email the video.

don’t choose diabetes as a chronic condition because used it for my other assessment. Apart from Diabetes find a paper of any other chronic condition. The paper must target a chronic condition population and the theory used in the paper must be related to health psychology.

Attaching some of the theories slides that can be used in health psychology and some chronic conditions too. Feel free to find a paper that uses other theory but must be related to health psychology.