Describe the ergogenic aidbeing studied in the article.g.What is the impact of the use of this ergogenic aid?h.What population is being studied(gender, race, age, type of athlete, etc)?

Ergogenic Aids… that is a randomized control trial

Describe the ergogenic aidbeing studied in the article.g.What is the impact of the use of this ergogenic aid?h.What population is being studied(gender, race, age, type of athlete, etc)?

In the article, what is the use of the ergogenic aid?j.From what city, state, or country were the participants of the study selected? k.In this study, how many people were chosen to participate?(i.e. sample size, n=?)

Using the article’s methods section, provide an overview of what program or intervention was/is being used.m.Was/is the programsuccessful? Explain why or why not.n.What numerical data do the researchers see illustrating the program’s successor not?Be sure to list the numerical data (results)