Discuss some of the ways ‘unconscious perception’ has been demonstrated experimentally and some of the challenges to this evidence.

What is the mind body problem? Is it a

Do you have free will?

How has cognitive neuroscience enhanced our
understanding of consciousness?

Is ‘self’ best understood in terms of ‘individual cognition’
or ‘social construction’? Discuss with reference to
relevant literature.

Is a science of first-person experience possible? Discuss
with reference to the Chalmers-Dennett debate.

What can we learn about consciousness from studies of
the abilities of non-human animals?

Discuss some of the ways ‘unconscious perception’ has
been demonstrated experimentally and some of the
challenges to this evidence.

Design a conscious robot. (How would you go about
building such a machine and what qualities and
characteristics would it need to have? Briefly evaluate
whether your robot would indeed be conscious.)