Discuss what you learned and what you can apply. Are there common threads with these two talks?


Critique Assignment (2 videos/one page)

Each brief writing assignment requires you to watch and analyze the material discussed in the talk.

For this critique assignment, your writing should NOT exceed 1pg. Your work should be typed using .12 font size and double spaced.

Critiques are to be in paragraph format.

Critiques are to be grammatically correct.

Must include a work cited page.

You have broad discretion/freedom in your analysis of each lecture. It is vitally important that you cite/quote specific statements that the speaker makes when writing your critique.

Each lecture provides a “Transcript” underneath the video, thus allowing you to further analyze the talk. You may use personal examples and thus  in your critiques.

Talks may be viewed on most electronic devices by going to TED.com and searching by the talk title or speaker’s name.

1. TED TALK: “The Science of Stage Fright (and How to Overcome It)” Mikael Cho
2. TED TALK: “How beat stage fright” Joe Kowan

In no more than 1pg. discuss what you learned and what you can apply. Are there common threads with these two talks?