Explain how qualitative methods could contribute to the development of the questionnaire. Describe the specific methods you could use and outline how they will aid the development of the questionnaire. (40%)

Describe the key features of this method and explain why this is appropriate for your research. What are the advantages of this method over other types of interviews? (20%)

Describe the sampling strategy you will use for your interviews and justify your approach. (20%)

How would you develop a good interview topic guide? What kind of questions are most useful? (30%)

Briefly describe what is meant by the term “informed consent”, the process of obtaining it from research participants, and the challenges to this process in the conduct of this research.

Explain how qualitative methods could contribute to the development of the
questionnaire. Describe the specific methods you could use and outline how
they will aid the development of the questionnaire. (40%)

Explain how you would ensure that the questions in the questionnaire are good.(25%)

Explain why it is important to ensure that the questionnaire is reliable and valid and how you would go about doing this.