Explain the following features, structures, logic and modes of interactions between models, controllers and views, including

Model view controlled framework

Answer the following question on the language used in object-oriented
(OOP programming

What is Object-oriented Programming? Write your answer in 150-
200 words.

Write down about following programming languages used in
object-oriented (OO) programming.
• C++
• C#

What is HTTP and how it works? Write your answer in 150-200 words.

Discuss any three (3) HTTP security concerns in 100-150 words.Answer the following questions on functions and features of debugging
and testing tools

Describe any three (3) common features of idol testing tools. Write
your answer in 150-200 words.

Explain functions of static and dynamic testing tools. Write your
answer in 200-250 words.Explain the following principles of model view controller design pattern,
conventions, and architecture:
▪ scalability
▪ maintainability
▪ reusability

Explain the following features, structures, logic and modes of interactions between models, controllers and views, including:
a) HTTP Request/Response and redirects
b) HTTP request handlers, routes and parameters
c) Query strings and key/vale pairs
d) model binding
e) Convention over configuration
f) HTML language, templates and dynamic rendering
g) view models and data models.
Write 300-350 words for each