Explain the methodology used in the article. What kinds of evidence does it present to make its case?

Critical Summary

Write a critical summary, Your summary should:

Synopsise the key arguments of the article in your own words.
Make it clear what primary material is being analysed in the article. (Is it about

a specific novel, author, genre, historical moment? etc)

Explain the methodology used in the article. What kinds of evidence does it present to make its case?

If relevant, mention other critical work upon which this article is building (does

the article mention somebody else’s work as an important precursor to its own argument?)

At the end of your summary suggest a way in which this article could be used as a jumping off point for another question or line of enquiry about texts on your course.

The text: Warkentin, E. (2011). A bloody pulp: Women in two early fictionalizations of the Jack the Ripper case. Clues, 29(1), 5-15.