Explain the relevant concepts and how they will be applied in the scenario. Identify the most significant implications and consequences of your solution.How does your solution relate to the problem? How does it help with the issue?

Human Resources

Identify the issue in your scenario. Using the concepts we have covered in this class, determine a solution to the proposed scenario.

Explain the relevant concepts and how they will be applied in the scenario. Identify the most significant implications and consequences of your solution.

How does your solution relate to the problem? How does it help with the issue?
Be specific. Provide details related to the issue and solution.

Cite your sources at the end of your document using MLA format.For more information on MLA format,  review this link:Works Cited Page Guide (Links to an external site.) (opens in new window)

https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/12/ (Links to an external site.)
