How did you help Sarah identify the target problem? What about the target tasks? Was the development of the tasks and the identification of the target problem collaborative work between you and Sarah? Did you allow Sarah to be her own expert and have adequate input?

SWK 527 Week 5 Discussion B

Subject is social work and not psychology.

Read the entire Case Example: Task-Centered Model

The choose one of the three questions at the end of the case and discuss. (Chose number 3 to answer – unless you find another one that might be easier for you then that’s fine. You can answer a different one.)

Do feel free to also discuss any part of this case that intrigues or puzzles you and/or enhances your learning.

Here is the question below:

How did you help Sarah identify the target problem? What about the target tasks? Was the development of the tasks and the identification of the target problem collaborative work between you and Sarah? Did you allow Sarah to be her own expert and have adequate input?