Identify the institutional attributes of the British state which could promote unraveling in the aftermath of Brexit (i.e., HINT: How does the political context of the UK as a “multinational/centralized” state shape prospects? How does devolution shape post Brexit political realities?)

Brexit Final prompt

To address this prompt, your paper should course readings and lecture material to do the following:

1. Briefly explain why the Brexit referendum was successful (i.e., Which factors contributed to
its passage? Who voted for Brexit? Who opposed it?).

2. Identify the institutional attributes of the British state which could promote unraveling in the
aftermath of Brexit (i.e., HINT: How does the political context of the UK as a
“multinational/centralized” state shape prospects? How does devolution shape post Brexit
political realities?)

3. Identify the socio-cultural consequences which could promote “unraveling”?

4. Use the above to make an argument for whether Brexit has made it “more likely” that the
United Kingdom will “break up”.