Provide a little background information on your topic- pertinent facts- why is it of interest to your or do you think it is important?

Research Hypothesis

Think of a criminal justice related research question that you might be interested in potentially testing. Using the textbook as a guide, translate your question into both a null and a research hypothesis.

This assignment should highlight a brief body of literature surrounding your topic of interest, why you selected it, and a few pertinent facts about it that you have found doing a very general search. You should have at least 1 scholarly reference. After selecting your topic you are to list out TWO hypothesis : NULL and Research.

This assignment should be in APA format (Cover Page and Reference Page) and should be approximately 1 page double spaced.

Step 1: Identify a research question

Step 2: Provide a little background information on your topic- pertinent facts- why is it of interest to your or do you think it is important?

Step 3: Identify both a NULL hypothesis and a research hypothesis