Should we side with Rawls or Nozick when it comes to understanding how we ought to achieve justice and fairness within our society? Answer this question by briefly explaining Rawls’ and Nozick’s positions on this issue, and offer a critical analysis of both views.

Rawls and Nozick


Should we side with Rawls or Nozick when it comes to understanding how we ought to achieve justice and fairness within our society? Answer this question by briefly explaining Rawls’ and Nozick’s positions on this issue, and offer a critical analysis of both views.

Guidelines for Writing Assignments:

1.Your essay must be a minimum of 500 words.

2. You must reference specific page numbers and quotes from our text anytime you’re using a quote or referring to something in our reading.

3. Outside sources are not allowed for this assignment.

4. Your writing assignment must be uploaded as a .doc or .docx file.

Philosophy Writing Assignment

Philosophy Writing Assignment

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Grammar / Style

These points cover the grammatical correctness, sentence structure, spelling, and punctuation found in your essay.

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Interpretation
These points cover how accurately you interpret and explain our assigned reading.

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Critical Analysis
These points cover how strong and convincing of a critical analysis you offer in your essay.

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Assignment Parameters

These points concern whether you’ve meet the assignment parameters (e.g. word count, address the correct topic, post in the right area, meet the deadline)