Shows conceptual clarity, ideas are properly organized and is technically-“Indian Literature” or “Indian Literatures”? Discuss the category

“Indian Literature” or “Indian Literatures”? Discuss the category

The answer is “Indian Literatures” Justify the reason


For each question a student will be

awarded out of 20:

00-07 marks – if the answer bears no

connection with the question and there is no conceptual clarity at all.

08-10 marks – if the answer is not

precise, lacks conceptual clarity, ideas are not properly organized and is

technically imperfect with grammatical mistakes and spelling errors.

11-12 marks – if the answer shows

conceptual clarity but is not precise, is technically imperfect and fraught

with grammatical mistakes and spelling errors.

13-14 marks – if the answer is precise,

shows conceptual clarity and is grammatically and technically perfect, but

ideas are not properly organized.

15-16 marks – if the answer is precise,

shows conceptual clarity, ideas are properly organized and is technically

perfect without grammatical mistakes and spelling errors.