Summarize the problem or opportunity and discuss the impact it is having on the business or industry it affects. For example, Might head over to (Links to an external site.) and discuss how telemedicine is being deployed now because going to the dentist is an iffy thing right now. 


It’s a crazy time for everyone as COVID-19 and its variants continue to disrupt businesses and information systems have been problematic as well as innovative during this chaotic time.

From unemployment systems that cannot handle demand to complete shifts in business communication, COVID is changing the way IS are being used in business.

For this discussion, want you to complete the following two tasks:

1. Your original post: Find an article or webpage that presents a problem or solution related to the COVID outbreak that demonstrates how technology is being used to alleviate an issue with COVID, create new opportunities related to COVID, or are downright causing more problems than anticipated.

Summarize the problem or opportunity and discuss the impact it is having on the business or industry it affects. For example, Might head over to (Links to an external site.) and discuss how telemedicine is being deployed now because going to the dentist is an iffy thing right now.

Would discuss why there’s a problem and how technology is being used to mitigate the problem as well as discuss some of the shortfalls of the solution…..can’t fill a cavity online! You article can be from any industry (profit or non-profit) just be sure and add a link to the article in your post.

2. Your response: Compare and/or contrast another person’s solution/problem to your own. Read fellow student postings and find something that is somehow related to yours and compare and or contrast your situation to theirs.

How they’re related is up to you…..two failures in two different industries? Talk about why they failed and maybe point out similar things across both situations that resulted in failure? Same technology being used in different settings? How are they similar/different? Just be sure and explain the connection between your article and their article and provide additional thoughts on how these things are similar, different, or a little of both!

Be nice and be respectful This is not a “politics” class so we’re not focusing on (unless it is specifically related to IS!) government response , Democrats, Republicans, Trump, Abbot, etc. So, a discussion of the changes in data collection and reporting…..fine. What you think about this politically, not so fine! The focus should be on the issues with IS.

Discussions will be graded on 1.) Did the posting(s) address the question posed? 2.) Did the posting completely explain/support the question being answered?