Why does it matter that people understand that they have implicit biases?What are some positive consequences to knowing that implicit biases exist? What are some negative consequences?

Implicit Bias

Your job is to listen to the program, taking notes as you listen, and then answer the following questions:

What is your first impression or feelings about any of the episode that you heard? What stood out to you as interesting or important?
Consider the agents of socialization: family, peers, sports, religion, school, toys/games, the media. Choose 2 of those to discuss how implicit biases become a part of each of us. Do you think that we can un-learn or re-learn the messages that have created implicit biases? How?
Why does it matter that people understand that they have implicit biases?
What are some positive consequences to knowing that implicit biases exist? What are some negative consequences?

Your finished paper does not have to be written in formal essay format, but should be at least 500 words.


 Identify and briefly describe the agents of socialization. You can use one paragraph and a bulleted or summary structure here.Describe, in detail, the specific impact that the agent of socialization had within the life of the individual.

Agents of Socialization

In this module, you learned about the importance of socialization, how various agents and institutions play a role in socializing an individual, and how these experiences in socialization impact the individual across their lifespan.

In this assignment, you will apply this information by analyzing the agents of socialization as they impact a specific individual in writing an essay between 500-600 words.

Identify and briefly describe the agents of socialization. You can use one paragraph and a bulleted or summary structure here.

Choose an individual to help you focus on one specific agent of socialization. This example can be a real person, or it can be character from a television show, movie, or book. Describe, in detail, the specific impact that the agent of socialization had within the life of the individual.

Examine no more than three characters and show how various agents of socialization (family, friends, media, religion, work etc…) affect how each of these characters view themselves, how they interact with other family members, and individuals within the wider society.

Theoretical perspective of symbolic interaction

Directions: Watch a movie of your choice that focuses on the family or other intimate relationships.

Examine no more than three characters and show how various agents of socialization (family, friends, media, religion, work etc…) affect how each of these characters view themselves, how they interact with other family members, and individuals within the wider society.

You MUST use the theoretical perspective of symbolic interaction

and information from the self and socialization section of your book to help you organize a response.
Your paper must be a minimum of 3 complete pages.

Essays must be double space, using either 10 or 12 fonts, and must be completed in Times New Roman.

Your essay will be graded on the basis of content, quantity, grammar, and adherence to the previously mentioned guidelines.

Any information drawn from works published by others must be appropriately cited within the body of your work, and then referenced as part of a bibliography page.

Each essay is worth a total of 100 points and must be submitted on or before the due date. Late work will NOT be accepted and it will be graded as 0.

If you are having a difficult time writing the essay, you have the option of turning in your paper ahead of time for me to review it and provide you with feedback.