What distinguishes your stream from other streams? What makes your stream unique? What aspects of faith are encouraged in your approach and what aspects are limited? What aspects of other streams may be helpful to your current model of worship? How does understand the background of your worship stream enhance your weekly corporate worship?

Know Your Roots

Using White’s book to clearly define the specific historic era(s) (New Testament, Early Christian, Middle Ages, Reformation, Modern) most closely associated with your own church’s corporate worship. Describe why you would make this categorization. Next use Pinson’s book to define which perspective/stream (Liturgical, Traditional Evangelical, Contemporary, Blended or Emerging) your church is most closely linked with. What specific values, theological-emphasis, acts of worship, styles of music or worship forms, etc. support your categorization?

What distinguishes your stream from other streams? What makes your stream unique? What aspects of faith are encouraged in your approach and what aspects are limited? What aspects of other streams may be helpful to your current model of worship? How does understand the background of your worship stream enhance your weekly corporate worship?