Do you believe that psychoactive substance use disorder is a mental health diagnosis on par with bipolar disorder, major depression, schizophrenia, etc.? Why or why not?

Social Work Critical Self-Reflection Paper

Reflection Questions
Do you believe that psychoactive substance use disorder is a mental health diagnosis on par with bipolar disorder, major depression, schizophrenia, etc.? Why or why not?

The DSM states that one criteria for a substance use disorder is that the substance is taken in larger amounts or over a longer period of time than intended with the key idea being intention. The concept in play here is that intention, volition, and will are mentally compromised, and therefore insufficient to control the quantity and frequency of use. Do you believe this?

Examine the highly debated issues around medicating children with stimulants.Is this effective? What are the controversial issues? OR how does childhood schizophrenia look different than adult schizophrenia?

Podcast 3

Podcast #3: For Podcasts 3 and 4, you will choose a topic that is directly connected to your mental illness.

For example, if you choose childhood ADHD, you can examine the highly debated issues around medicating children with stimulants.

Is this effective? What are the controversial issues? OR how does childhood schizophrenia look different than adult schizophrenia?

Each of the mental illnesses have specific issues that warrant a more comprehensive examination.