Identify 3-5 skills that the social worker utilized as identified in the textbook…give examples.If given the opportunity to provide services to this family, what would you have done differently as the social worker? Explain.

Role play
After observing the above video…discuss the following:

Did the social worker demonstrate each step of the Generalist Intervention Model (7 steps)? Which stage(s) did she incorporate…give
examples. Which stage(s) did she not include…why do you feel she did not incorporate the stage(s)?

Identify 3-5 of the social worker’s strengths …give examples.

Identify 3-5 skills that the social worker utilized as identified in the textbook…give examples.

Did the social worker discuss the importance of confidentiality? Explain why or why not.

If given the opportunity to provide services to this family, what would you have done differently as the social worker? Explain.

What is the distinction between privacy and confidentiality? How much weight should they have when information about individuals could protect other individuals or public health?

504 Week 2 discussion

What is the distinction between privacy and confidentiality? How much weight should they have when information about individuals could protect other individuals or public health?

How is Achievement for All connected with the SEND Code of Practice?What is meant by confidentiality and anonymity? How was confidentiality and anonymity assured in this research?

Ethics methodology

What is meant by ‘Achievement for All?

How is Achievement for All connected with the SEND Code of Practice?

What are the opportunities and barriers to Achievement for All??This section will provide the rationale(s) for the research design
choices and discuss issues relating to validity – linked consistently
to the stated project aims and RQs; and supported with relevant
literature on research design.

Which research paradigm did you use – positivist or
interpretivist, and why.

Which research approach/strategy (e.g. case study,
ethnography, survey, action research) did you use? Why?

Identify the data collection method(s) selected. Why?

How do the selected methods engage with the stated
research paradigm and approach?

How will reliability and validity be assured? Consider issues
related to statistical analysis and/or triangulation.

What are the key ethical issues? How will they be
meaningfully applied in the context of this proposed research
and method(ology)?

What is informed consent? How was it gained from the
various categories of participant? Gate keeping.

What is meant by confidentiality and anonymity? How was
confidentiality and anonymity assured in this research?

What are the benefits of your research? What are the
potential risks? Issues in dissemination