What is at stake and are there limits or risks for the region? Do this support instruments contribute to Western Balkans interests?

Cybersecurity in the Western Balkans- EU’s approach to cyber diplomacy in the region

On the other side, it will be examined what are the conditions of the EU’s cyber diplomacy toolbox and its strategical challenges.

The complexity of cyberspace and WB’s proximity to Europe actually might provide an excellent background for future cooperation.

What is at stake and are there limits or risks for the region? Do this support instruments contribute to Western Balkans interests?

Describe the problem you are fixing by proposing this new cybersecurity program. This would include potential threat, financial loss, etc, that the organization faces due to lack of cybersecurity.

Week 8 Program White Paper

Describe the problem you are fixing by proposing this new cybersecurity program. This would include potential threat, financial loss, etc, that the organization faces due to lack of cybersecurity.

Write a security policy for your organization. The purpose of a security policy is to safeguard the confidentiality, integrity, and availability, of the organization’s systems and information. Be sure to include objectives, scope, specific goals, and consequences in the event of noncompliance.
Create a team.

Define roles and responsibilities of all stakeholders, including those of the CISO.

Describe the access control methods you would implement for your building and network.