The on-demand economy is certainly alive and well, both domestically in the U.S. and globally as well. We live in a time when mobile E-commerce is shaping both the Business-to-Consumer (B2C) and Business-to-Business (B2B) marketplaces:Discuss how?

6.3 Case Study: E-commerce & Mobile Commerce (PLG1)

The on-demand economy is certainly alive and well, both domestically in the U.S. and globally as well. We live in a time when mobile E-commerce is shaping both the Business-to-Consumer (B2C) and Business-to-Business (B2B) marketplaces:Discuss how?

Today it is a common activity for shoppers and commercial buyers to access Internet websites utilizing mobile smartphones or tablets to purchase a product or order a service. Consumers frequently use their smart devices to conduct research as a preamble to visiting a brick-and-mortar store before purchasing a product or ordering a service.

Describe how the company was in a stronger or weaker position in the marketplace (globally and/or domestically) as a result of the implementation of these tactics.How were the use of these tactics in response to a change in economic or market conditions, globally and/or domestically?

Individual Assignment 1.1

Employees are certainly one of the most valuable assets of any successful company.

For this assignment, select an article (published within the last five years) from the Bellevue University online library or research an article from an educational site (.edu) or other credible web site that discusses and illustrates human capital dynamics and management tactics to enhance a company’s business strategies.

Prepare a brief summary of the human capital and management tactics used that were provided in the article.

How did the human capital and management activities assist in achieving the company’s business strategies?

Did the company realize benefits? If so, what were they?

Describe how the company was in a stronger or weaker position in the marketplace (globally and/or domestically) as a result of the implementation of these tactics.

How were the use of these tactics in response to a change in economic or market conditions, globally and/or domestically?